😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

The Arugal robe keeps evading my lock. 5 tries at 33% chance, nothing.

On the bright side, got a truckload of nice greens, and even a good 2h mace that could potentially fetch 20-30g if not even more :fist:

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Greens add a little bit of flavour and freshness :slight_smile:

(send help)


Food is help! :drooling_face:

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Having to solo Bonereaver every time I do a ToP 24+.

I really don’t understand if at this point I should play a route with no skips whatsoever so people don’t die to spears not kicked, or things on the floor, or his AoE that’s incredibly hard to miss.

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Just today 4 groups have fallen apart at stitchflesh… First group he tanks the abomination so you have to step into the aoe and die if you wanted to hook stitchflesh until people left. Second group people blocked the hook and we wiped 3 times and then people left. Third group nobody hooked stitchflesh, they threw the hook to Pandaria. Fourth group, the tank stacked the abominations on top of each other so one interrupted the other’s hook, several attempts in a row.

I don’t get how it can be so hard to do stitchflesh.

The anti tasty food movement on these forums.

It’s growing by every day. Prepare yourselves.
(oh hey Tah! :vulcan_salute:)

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Anti tasty food?

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Yes. But naming and shaming isn’t allowed here.

All we can do is keep posting tasty food pics/recipes and fight the anti movement.

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Maybe I should have included some fries in my latest thread :laughing:

You know what to do!

Keep up the good work!

I sure do


Good job, now repeat in my thread!

Minus the gnome fight part.

A well fed mod will probably restore it to its former glory :yum:

They’re just jealous that they don’t have the skills to make tasty food.

I got home made burgers being cooked for me tonight!


The what and the where and the who and the how now?

(Clown always dances.)

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This is great news. Forum food/flex lord and the rest of his foodie followers are looking forward to you posting a pic of that. :yum:


You’re a nice clown! :yum:


now many ppl achieved the aurtelid mount… so no point to stay there…

If I remember to I will but they’re so good that eating just takes over any other thoughts.

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I got a debuff in pvp and had to find someone to fight within 1 minute in Alterac Valley. I was not afk, I litteraly moved around while the stupid cow face debuff showed up.

I ran to the base where people fought, and kept stepping on traps that hunters layed near the entrance until I almost charged at a player, but the debuff was gone and I got a 15 minute deserter.

And then I sent a very bad suggestion to Blizzard that will propably get me banned, and uninstalled this trash game.

Blizzard knows I am speaking the truth, the rats can go and watch my * logs in the last AV I played. Go and watch it you rat developers, and you will have the answer why I am so * mad at you.

This is not the first time I got deserter while not being afk. I have also been massreported by some idiot premade once and that resulted in an instant kick despite me doing things in a BG. That is how * broken the report system is.

Also back in Legion, I was in a group with some sociopathic trio, three friends. They told me they do not need a healer in the last boss and kicked me out for fun, resulting in a 30 minute deserter for nothing I did.
You devs can go ahead and try finding the logs of that 30 minute deserter too, but its years ago. I think I actually did send a ticket but all I got was a crap automated response a week later. Great costumer service:D

Blizzard, your report system is trash and you dont care. I know you dont care. I have been in discord premades where they lag the game and reportkick people they do not like. They still do that s**t. You dont care. You dont ban people being toxic in this game. But no, if someone says “Support Taiwan” or something it is a permaban.

I have an idea, why not ban toxic people in this game instead? I know you are not doing it Blizzard. Again, I HAVE BEEN WITH premades and they kept doing that crap for years. I know you do not care.


my poor mage was kicked 2 mins ago from a TW dungeon. incredible.