😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Oh, a group of 3 sociopathic friends reporting you in the last boss because they wanted to troll, resulting in a 30 minute deserter from doing dungeons?

Isnt Blizzard report system great? To give people power to report you and punish you for no reason, how about hiring people that just permabans people who do actually afk or troll their teams instead of giving people power to do whatever they want with reports?

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yeah… but was useless cuz i was running to the 3rd boss cuz i died… anyway i dont care but im always refreshed about hating running dungeon.

Remove the cucumber and tomatoes - replace with green and red jalapeno, and its golden

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I missed the Glowcap Festival. :expressionless:

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Another cultured foodie brother spotted :sunglasses:

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Cucumber is lovely!

Got gkicked out of nowhere without an explanation.
I don’t care about the guild but now I want to know why. xD
If you’re reading this just tell me, I don’t know, “you’re too much of a commie” or “redheads suck”, I don’t know, give me something to work with!

Please keep that hair.

Asking for a friend. :woman_red_haired:

Still shows you’re in a guild, but might not have updated if it’s this toon.

I’ve somehow lost the will to play my warlock alt till I get the Arugal robe, but might instead grab a +shadow spell dmg robe I’ve seen on AH. And I still have my paladin to level up as well… she’s been sitting at 50 and haven’t even used her yet this year, apart from a quick craft.

…oh god, what am I doing? :face_exhaling:

Thats me - ive logged in twice in the past 14 days, and that was for 30 mins tops


I’ve been waiting in queue 40 minutes for a brawl. No one playing on a Saturday night? :neutral_face:

My AD character got kicked from a guild as well, i guess for being less active, however this toon was not active for ages and still in a guild :thinking::smiley:

On topic- no red swords from zereth, hopefully the dude is here today…

How much effort you have to put into doing damage as a resto druid vs doing damage as a resto shaman. Like, what were they even thinking.

I feel your pain :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Was this where you thought you were kicked but didn’t scroll up?

No, yesterday and a few years ago are two very different times

I’m leveling through Spires of Arak in WoD, and I played that quest where the bird people are falling from the sky, landing in pools of blood, and then losing their wings. It was so miserable and depressing, I wish they’d hold still long enough for me to hug them.


This elemental drops a globe, but I thought it was a 100% drop chance.
Killed them twice, nothing. :frowning_with_open_mouth: So far, always got it on my first kill on every previous toon.

what is this questchain for?