😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Tank taking forever to pull, making people lose their buffs between every pack and then HE WHINES AT LOW DPS. SO PULL FASTER BEFORE THE BUFFS FALL OFF. Like, legit 20+ seconds between end of pack and next pack.

Can’t be a VDH! Often I’m faster then the rest of the group :smiley:

It’s just some easy XP - turn in at Splintertree, then to Zoram Strand, even awards some item.

But is Classic only afaik :frowning_with_open_mouth: killed it 4 times before calling it.

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Not one to share negative experiences usually but… I need it.

After doing keys with Dunkiee and Veresaa(they were awesome by the way), friends wanted to keep going so we did. Last key we had a newbie tank, was even from turalyon as a server. Checking their achievements now they were new according to that too. I can’t confirm obviously.

I expected things to go not so great as we had 2 pugs in total, including the tank. Understandably their pulls were pretty sloppy. There were deaths and a wipe. The whole time however our healer just kept attacking them, calling them names, being aggresive as a whole.

I’ll admit I usually just keep to myself as what can you really do when someone’s being like that? It’d probably get them to leave and run the already problematic key with one person less. Slowly I started trying to just calm that guy down, I was progressively getting mad at that guy :’). Tank even shared they were a newbie with like 10 days of game time in total(Was it wrong to run a high key when as new? Yes, of course. That does not excuse such behaviour) at some point, so healer just used that to attack them as well. Thankfully we got the heal to shut it and the key got done, timed even with the things that happened.

(Oh and hey, pally, if you ever see that for whatever reason, keep practicing, you’re doing well and if you truly only have 10 days of playtime in total you’ll do great, I’m sure)


This is the toxic part about pugs, you never know.
Mostly you get the tryhard sweaties that think they are God chosen to be in your key and leave or flame all the time…imo i preffer they leave.
I had a lock once in top and he was soooo toxic towards everybody, was only a 11, lol, dude, calm down, mdi is the other way, hellooo ?!?!?!
At the end of the key i didnt even loot, just left, was start of this season, so, no, I wont loot and trade even a second more with this :clown_face:
They whispered me apologizing but i just ignored them :blush:


You’re an awesome tank as well. :heart:
(Up till 8s that is :sweat_smile:)


the way you worded it i’m concerned
not going over 8s then :stuck_out_tongue:


That’s what I’m sure you can do currently in that role! :laughing::laughing:

(Not doubting your skills there.) :yum:

I mean… was a first time.


Blizzard refuses to confirm whether Recipe: Greater Firepower still is or is no longer dropping.

Got called “idiot healer” in solo Shuffle. :melting_face:

Can you remove my name from your little chart posted on new forum discord please i have asked you repeatedly not to talk about me or use my name in anything it needs to stop thank you.

If this is true please don’t include my name either. I’m not on there so I can’t see what goes on.

It’s a miracle I came back to wow, especially the forums after all the bullying and threats and drama, and I would like to keep it away from that :roll_eyes:

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I am not on there either but a friend showed me the chart pic and i am not impressed i have repeatedly asked this person to stop talking about me in any form but continue’s to do so i am upset now.

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It isn’t in it, but I even asked the peeps if they are fine with sharing.

Hang on for a second…
(No idea who even showed you, though.)

Not sure how that is relevant if they don’t want to be on it. That’s almost like saying to someone who you talk smack to behind their back “but it was only behind your back, who even told you”.


Yep, but is done now. She shouldn’t be on it anymore.

You never asked me and i want nothing to do with you at all thanks.

It does not matter i have asked you to stop talking about me , i am stressed enough already without having to deal with you making me ill and stressed please just stop talking about me anywhere and i am placing you on ignore on here it needs to stop making me ill.

Hey…? I think you’re kinda overdoing this. They tried to make a cute chart, you want out, you want out, that’s fine. But you’re really just going too far with how you’re treating 'em.
I don’t know, maybe you have a history and you’re treating them like an ex you hate but it’s too much. There was nothing negative in it or spreading hate your way.


Thats right you dont and you dont need to know about it . It is between me and him and i wanted to keep it that way but its been spread over multi places and people even after i asked 4 MONTHS ago to stop speaking about me.

I have an ill parent i am dealing with that and other irl isssue’s atm and i do not need or want forum or discord drama and its just not me hurt or invold there is others as well that should not be on that chart.

I will not reply again to this as i said my piece already enough is enough i do not want to be mentioned by them anywhere that is all and i have asked repeatedly. And others have asked him as well for it to stop.

I am sorry if this comes across as blunt but i am at my wits end breaking point i dont need it.

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Yep, none of my business. Never said it was.

Hope they recover and hope things get better for you overall, I mean it. Nobody deserves to deal with that.