😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Sitting for hours last night and this morning waiting for Scale Matriarch Vynara to spawn. And, yes, I keep checking the other 2 and they’re not spawning either. I have to go out now so it’s 100% guaranteed she’ll appear and then vanish for a week.

the wow forum word filter. I can’t express myself. REEEEE

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The mail from Amazon telling me that the Untitled World of warcraft novel has gotten the new release date November 24th 20206.
I assume it’s because they don’t want to show hands for a Dragonflight release, but :confused:

I’m experiencing WoW burnout.


Applying to keys as resto druid, getting declined, seeing groups delist and then reappear and then:

Pretty much every key I’ve applied to has been delisted and then looking for a resto shaman or they’ve invited a resto shaman.

This healer balance is a joke.

That this thing with Alliance being able to play with horde, are just for RBGS, Normal and up raids etc, when the queue times for battlegrounds, dungeons and lfr, is usually 40 min - 8 hours. Was hoping for reduced queue times, and possibility to do some random dungeons with friends of the oposite faction. :disappointed:

You can, if it’s keys. No idea about leveling dungeons or things like that.
We were however, phased together yesterday afternoon with my friend so I could meet and see her easily outdoors - that allows for X faction RP as well.

Returning to the game after 2 months today.

Joined a ‘chill, newbies welcome’- normal SotFO raid group. Takes a little while but we get a 2-3-9 group, kill first two bosses on first pull.

Some people then leave, we clear trash to third boss (how much trash does this raid have btw… is it really needed? )

We requeue and wait, and wait, and wait… There are people in the queue but lead is not inviting them. I (and a few others) start to point out 278 healer, 275 Boomie etc. Lead replies ‘no raid experience’. I look though the group - none of us really have, best 5/11N, most have none at all (including me) .

I point this out… You have been removed from the group… even chill, newbie welcome groups, can’t be chill it seams. (I get they are lead and it is up-to them, but annoying.)


Running Spires for a weekly quest, to find I failed to loot the last boss and had to run it again :rofl:


I thought items are sent to you in a mail if you forget to do so, even if you’re doing keys :frowning_with_open_mouth:

Or what was it you wanted to loot?

I’ve tried to help out Visna and her hubby with the last bits of their KSM, but neither runs were timed :frowning_with_open_mouth:

The +16 Mists did give a bit of rating… 14, to be precise :rofl: And it still counts towards the weekly vault.


The M+ grind is a ruthless path :face_with_monocle:


Join a +20 mists.

Tank pulls 4 packs at the start.

Like, why. That’s just not possible to heal, 3x harvesters(freecasting btw), 2x soulcleavers, 2x villagers, 5x spiteclaws. No, just no.

Can’t decide on a haircut.


I like this one, or the pixie one :grin:


I feel this goes better with the crown than the pixie cut but I do love the pixie cut as well.

Not really. Sounds like it’s working as intended. You don’t go around calling people that irl either.


sounds good! looking forward to do random BGs without toxic people


You will look fab in any of them :sparkling_heart:


When I was questing in STV, I got a disconnect in a heated fight.

That disconnect just despawned my voidwalker, so when I came back, I pretty much just died to a 3v1.

…perfect. :cry: