😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Is this a ZM location?

If so, and you don’t have flight, I can offer help with my ally priest, and leap you up to it :grin:

That’s kind, Dunkiee, but it’s indoors (I do have flight). It’s like that horrible thing in Nazjatar jumping for a daily quest in an underground cave. That one I tried once and never again and it didn’t have things flying around to knock you off.

I have one more thing I can try on this (couldn’t be bothered to wait for a 20 minute cooldown last night).


Wow! Posting in here has once again worked its magic. Using all the tricks I used before, this time they worked. Celestial Defender’s Medallion to make me bigger, Borr-Geth’s Fiery Brimstone to shoot me up in the air and managing to hit my goblin glider kit before I lost much height. So I now have my Schematic and never need to go there ever again.


Fantastic news


I decided to undust my brittle protadin and get her through Un’Goro Crater.

She had huge difficulties taking on the elementals at the volcano, barely 2 levels above because:

  1. they deal fire damage. (Aka: armor is useless.)
  2. that damage cannot be blocked at all.
  3. only thing that helps is fire resist gear or the aura. But it doesn’t give enough to properly dampen damage.

Same went for the bug queen quest - taking on multiple enemies isn’t much a hassle, but when the queen herself appeared, I just couldn’t kill it at 51. Was 5 levels higher at 56, and the quest was made for 54’s. :frowning_with_open_mouth: I tried a second time but got ambushed by the respawns, and by when I got back for the third time, it just despawned.

Alt-F4’d at this point… :sweat:

I need the Kyrian assault to go away in the Maw so I can get a drop to make my mount.


PvP Queues saying 15 minutes and I’m in the queue for 25 +
Just tell me how long it really is so I know how much time I have or if I’m doing something else with my time.

The diablo spam when they have there own forums.

Immortal doesn’t. I’ve posted in them as though I agree not the best place for this.
The predatory practices of Activision should be discussed. It is very likely someone in that business is looking at Wow thinking could we implement some of this here… … this concerns us all

Well lets not turn this thread into a diablo one :slight_smile:


Promise :wink:


Look Naxxos, the expenses not only on gaming but also on all the entertainment businesses are increasing. As a result access prices will rise. If they don’t take action against the global economy, in the future, all the entertainment products will be more expensive and less accessible to ordinary people. I don’t see any

in this. Maybe Activision/Blizzard games are not for students.

Have a good weekend.

Promised not to reply so I won’t. Have a good weekend also.


I caught A virus yesterday and I can’t play wow. My whole body feels broken with the high fever especially my legs, feet, and back.

I might miss the Darkmoon fair


Feel better soon :kissing_heart: :hugs:


Thank you! I will rest in bed for the day


That sounds awful, hope you feel better soon


I know it sounds wierd but if you have a fever snuggle and wrap up to sweat it out of you and break it , your going to feel hot and lousy but it will help but main thing is keep hydrated keep the fluids flowing.


I’ve collected 2 Darkmoon top hats that strangely disappeared from my bag as soon as the darkmoon fair ended.

Was it only meant to be used during the Darkmoon fair? That’s honestly silly.

Yes, indeed requires the event to be on-going. No fun allowed outside Darkmoon Faire. :frowning: