😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

I made a bad group in normal sepulcher

So on Skolex as the second sepulcher boss , I showed them marks and what to do,and repeated 3 times to soak to reset stacks, but ranged ones did not go in there to reset stacks :disappointed:

Tanks that have absolutely no idea how to play and are constantly running around with mobs and then being all “HURR, WHY MOBS TAKE SO LONG TO DIE”. MAYBE BECAUSE YOU’RE DRAGGING THEM AROUND, MAKING IT IMPOSSIBLE TO KILL THEM FAST? HOLY…


i ended up being a mediator in a dungeon, trying to get the healer and tank to get along to finish the dungeon in one peace. A kick tank pop up came to which i rejected, and thankfully we finished the dungeon in peace with only one wipe (well i didnt die feign death comes in handy).

It was kinda funny actually, but sad how childish both were.


Today’s frown? Guy trying to do skips in a +2 and we get 18 deaths as a result because… it’s a +2. Why even do skips in a +2 and cause problems, just press W and kill stuff…


If it’s a leveling dungeon I’d honestly rather have the group disband than deal with the drama of two people not managing to get along.

I had a Dire Maul run like this once, where the tank was very rude and we ended up kicking them. Sure in my opinion other people in the group were also to blame (they also made some rude comments), but in the end it’s the tank who started with the ranting and also was very toxic to anyone who tried talking to them.

part 2 (directly from the smile thread). Sublety rogue is a lot of fun to level… but i think i never ever died so often…


Rogue is the one class i struggle with to level thats the reason i only have one of them :stuck_out_tongue:


in 14 years of wow i never ever ever played a rogue. probably for the same reason :wink:


When I had time to level one of each class several expansions ago, the rogue was a nightmare. In the end, I levelled her via pet-battling which is kinda cheating but much better for my blood pressure :wink:


I never thought of that great idea for DF then :smiley:

Rogue and feral dudu are not my friends :rofl:


same! ive tried feral with the last toon… not my cup of tea…


Shamen for me, just can’t get the enthusiasm for the class. Have one at 60 and one stuck at 36 ish


I have 5 at 50+ same with hunters and locks :smiley:

early leavers in EBGs and BGs, lose the first skirmish and they are off… game is then lost as you are shorthanded until others replace them. Seems to happen increasing numbers as well.

Large numbers of players don’t even try to turn it around cementing the belief that it cannot be and just exasperating the issue.

Early leavers in Horde??? I thought it was an Alliance thing.

Nah - some leave less than 30 seconds into the BG. Shocking really.


That really surprises me and gives me hope that one day I’ll win any sort of BG again :smiley:


I’ve stopped bothering levelling one of each since I got the Love Rocket. I’m sure at some point that will bite me in the posterior when they introduce some other achie requiring me to have various classes.


Since i got mine ive stopped levelling too which is unlike me but i feel so relaxed now but like you we know something will come and haunt us.


Play this morning, on my experience you’ll win several (3 ebgs and 4bgs all losses) Beginning to think I am the problem! :wink: