😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Discovering my main character won’t be male anymore next expansion.

You know it’s something I don’t really understand. Why does what the game calls your character’s gender bothers you? It’s an RPG, you should be the one to decide who your character is.

Personally I think the change is meaningless, so why get so worked up over it?


My character is a male, a paladin, a human. It what defines it. I am coming from a RP server, backstory and identity matter to me. So yeah, asnine changes like that do bother me, especially when they are unneeded.
Anyone who wants to change their gender can do so at the barbershop in two clicks… Why do we have to pretend males and females, roles that acted as representations of our characters for over 16 years are suddenly too offensive to exist and represent us anymore?

Because it wouldn’t be the wow forums if people weren’t so hyperbolic about everything even when it doesn’t actually affect them. Of course most of the hurdur will come from those playing humans in a fantasy game :smirk:


You do know you can choose whatever your character is, ESPECIALLY if you come from a RP story.

In Argent Dawn i am not a Void elf, i am a High elf.

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Yeah sure, people can RP the way they want, they can RP different pronouns and genders too. I was never attracted to out of gameplay RP. Worgens are worgens, humans are not dragons in disguise. I believe many are like me, that’s why so many were excited about the void elves bright skin and blue eyes. So that’s exactly my point, you change how the game defines it, you change something that could matter. Why change pre-existing stuff that are so closely related to character identity? Why not just add ?

I don’t think I am hyperbolic at all. One would assume, an even bigger outrage would follow if suddenly Blizzard would revert those changes. Calling them cowards for going back on their progressive agendas. If you want to add stuff to customize, add it. Don’t change what already exists.

The insane out of control amount of sell spam in LFG

Blizzard you have failed so badly it’s a disgrace at this point.


This. I don’t even play on an RP realm but I play a goblin which I pretend to be a murloc because it’s the closest thing we have (short and green/blue). I play a troll with color blind filters to make it green. And of course this alt is a dragon in disguise, not a gnome. And that’s just to name a few.

The game just leaves it ambiguous, just because it calls it body 1 (which if you ask me they should just remove the text and let people figure out for themselves what the icons mean) doesn’t mean it’s not a male, it is left entirely for you to decide.

When you /who or hover your mouse over a character you get a label with information about their gender. It doesn’t end with just the creation screen.

Yes you are, the change does not affect you or your character in any way other than to discard an outdated concept that certain types of people just can’t seem to accept. Your “male human paladin” will still be a “male human paladin” in a world filled with orcs, elves, vulpera, forsaken, trolls, walking steaks, goblins, gnomes. You, an irl human, can still portray a “male human paladin” they just took the gender names away so now you get to be as hyperbolic as you want to be about how you won’t be a male anymore because hurdur “male human paladin”

I’ll carry on being a female forsaken warlock hunting down that red haired DK and stealing his creme eggs and not caring that the name on the char creations screen changed to be a little less outdated in it’s concept.

I have a tauren who thinks she’s a blood elf because she was brought up by aged and slightly indulgent blood elf parents who found her abandoned as a baby :joy:

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/who just tells you names and zones etc. Mouseover is just name guild level etc.

I’ve never seen it mention gender. Is this something new or an addon?

Yeah truly the concept of males and females is outdated. Are you for real? Can you show me any human alive right now who isn’t either male or female? Not that it matters to you.
In a world where gender is a number, why not make your race a number? I am body type 1, race 1 and class #7. I have completed mythic raid #39 and got cutting edge on boss #8. They are numbers, but they’re not really numbers are they? They can represent whatever you want them to represent. You can be anything really.
If you don’t get my point by now, too bad.

Either that or they play on a different language. In Russian for example the word paladin is not gender neutral, so there is a masculine and feminine version of the word.

English is pretty gender neutral in that regard, but maybe it’s one of the romance languages (I don’t really speak any of those besides a very insignificant amount of Spanish).

You are correct, just checked without addons. I do have multiple RP addons that give extra info, I don’t suppose they pull out that info from nothing tho.

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Thanks for the clarification. Does it have a profile you set or is it something that just pulls data from your character?

I don’t think players input data onto it, since it gives me a label on every player I believe. It also gives me their guild ranking.

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The concept of gender is outdated. If you don’t understand the difference between gender and sex then that is a you problem.

You are the one having a strop about not being able to be “male human paladin” anymore :joy:

Again, whenever blizzard do anything that removes outdated concepts or brings their game into the 21st century people like you go onto hyperbolic hissy fits and it is always people like you… the “male human paladin” type…

TRP doesn’t pull out the info from anywhere the users add it themselves if they want to and can add anything he/him she/her they/them in the pronouns section. It’s no different to adding in the “currently” or “OOC” sections

I don’t know of any other rp addons that would make any changes to peoples character info that the user doesn’t input all the info themselves.


I would imagine it will carry on working in the same way but that is something for the addon creator to address.

I did wonder if it would be TRP but I know nothing of RPing and the various addons. That’s the only one I’ve heard of :laughing: