😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Ah yes, the gender ideology coined by John Money. I strongly encourage you to read on his studies. Anyhow, I am not talking about gender when I say every human is either male or female, I am talking about sex.

Who puts you or Blizzard to decide what is outdated or not? Why do you think you’re on the right side and that you can educate anyone who disagrees with your “modern concepts”? This is a game, and I don’t expect a fantasy mmorpg game that had nothing to do with real life politics in 16 years to suddenly do so now. Imagine if the devs injected right wing concepts onto the game, you’ll do more than frown about it. Surely. And I would totally understand that. This game is not a battleground for ideologies and political agendas.

Is the concepts of alts outdated to you? While this may be my main character, most of my characters are not humans. But sure, I am sure you’d have a smartass reply to whichever profile character I had, since you had to bring it up, use prejudice and comment on it rather than provide proper arguments.

In the case I am interested to hear your progressive and superior ideas of gender and sex, I am interested to know offtopic, how do you define a woman? And how do you differntiate a woman from a man? Unless you don’t believe in the existance of men and women?

The 500 mounts reward…

They said it’s not going to be the yeti :slight_smile:

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I just saw :open_mouth:
Thank the heavens

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I think the community as a whole was like


If they put the duck as reward, my goal for DF will ONLY to find mounts.


i have a legendary bow on my mage which dropped on the first try.

yet on my Hunter wont drop on the 100+ tries.

i keep the bow in my bag, to remind me of the horrible RNG i face. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Lost 4 random BGs in a row as alliance. Switched to horde. Lost 3 random BGs in a row.

I can only conclude I completely suck at PvP.

(Finally won my 8th game. I’m so tired…)


Fleeing murlocs.

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Account might have been hacked because people didn’t like what I had to say regarding the gender matter, even tho I was very neutral but ok.

Now I can’t post on the forums don’t know what they did to my account :thinking:

Clearly cursed XD

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The announcement that they will exclude the choice of selecting male/female on the character-screen as an effort to be more “inclusive”.

Looked at it once and burst out laughing how dumb it is and never went back.

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I got through one achie, I will recharge before having to do more xD

People AFKing for 10 mins at the boss in AV while there are 2 towers not capped and half the team bottlenecked midfield.

Honestly, that BG needs to put a shield over his door until at least 3 towers are down, make the point that it’s not time to be here yet, stop being deadweight.

the quest for TL3 is long and not needed.

i had to read all those Body 1 and Body 2 threads to get it faster :sob:

Every. single. post.

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I sometimes just scroll through threads like this quickly for that purpose. Even if it only registers like half of the replies as read it’s still better than to go through it slowly.

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I met Élá…

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What wow related made me frown today? 9.2.5, and Shadowlands

I never realised until now how split the forum peeps are. I knew they had forum pvp regularly (they seem to like it?) and encouraged others to click the ignore button but everything is crazy now.

There is no one on my ignore list, in-game or on the forums, because I don’t believe ignorance is bliss. I prefer to hear what people have to say, even if I do not always agree with them and I will always try to look at things from a different perspective. Even if they don’t.

All I keep thinking now is a quote from Ban Bearheart, when thinking about others today.