😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

I’m glad I play in WM off, griefing the other faction is what World PvP is all about :rofl:

it actually was out of Warmode.

I guess being on Draenor in WM off I just don’t see any Alliance. They are all little green men for me.

Seems like the shadehound hunt can still bug out. Been trying to do it for 2 days now but every time we go there its stuck on: ‘Defeat the gorged shadehound’.

How can this still be messed up and why is WoW so adamant to always put me in the same shard?

that druid is an idiot, dont let such things get to you. next time just put him on ignore and let his invite run out of time instead. :smile:

Revendreth emissary quest, with only three WQ’s available in Revendreth at the time. One being that annoying wheelbarrow race.

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The board membership segregation where only the beloved forum elite can post links and pics and whatnot - despite everyone paying sub and should be treated equally with equal eligibilities to post content unless they are under moderation.

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Balance druid starts arguing with my decision to pop lust on the first pack in HoA.

I tell them we will take 10 minutes anyway before we reach first boss.

Tells me if everyone does over 5k dps we’ll reach first boss in 7 minutes.

hunter listened to druid and never popped lust. We take 14 minutes to reach first boss.

They body pull then wipe us, and spam release causing pride to spawn camp-us.

We still time the run, and almost 2 chest it.

Druid blames me for not 2 chesting it.

Druid topped the meters by doing a whooping 4.6k dps.

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My guild loosing its soul.

Its a casual guild, and we played together for 5 years.
We always got heroic down before Next raid, but suddenly the GMs had less time to play and benched everyone and went turbo with new FOTM-players.

It used to be a fun silly guild , almost like a family.

It would feel better if they communicated theyr new “vision” earlier



this post as it really just becomes a point where its a constant whinefest about anything now.

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we are equal though. everyone has the same opportunity to earn trust level 3. if you are incapable of sticking to rules then its noones fault but your own.

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Wiping on Blood Council.

This post:

Not only is it off topic, it is also a bold assumption about another user.

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its not off topic, i am responding to what you wrote and neither am i assuming things. there are two ways to lose trust levels. its inactivity or breaking rules.

everyone is equal. everyone has the opportunity to earn tl3. however, if you dont stick to rules and get yourself a silence then you have to do it all over again.

It is off topic. You might point to my posts and say that it made you frown - which is what this thread is about, but you can’t hijack this thread with the sole purpose of discussing something that there already is an active thread for.

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nah, i tell you that there is literally nothing to frown about, im on topic, dont worry.

We were ToP 15+ and I was the reason we depleted the key…

I was the healer and underestimated the mage boss dmg.

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dont worry, it happens and noone is perfect. today i was the reason for a wipe which probably cost us the timer cause i pulled a crap ton of additional mobs with convoke. :sweat_smile:

I really want that 15+ keymaster Mount, tho.

But yeah nobody is perfect. :smiley:

i have given up on the 15 mount, im just glad when i get the +10 title. just not feeling it this season. :confused:

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