šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Whats the problem? :frowning:

I am quite sure that I can get the KM15+ Mount this seasonā€¦ Next week is a good push week. I am sure that I will clear atleast 5/8 in time

Still havenā€™t managed to time a DoS 15


wait until next week, i think its easier then. i wouldnt want you to go through dos this week.

dont make my mistakes.


Sold a couple of Landroā€™s lil XT (TCG) pets for 27.5k instead of 275kā€¦ :sob:


I was so sad they changed the name of the title :frowning:

We got close yesterday but no cigar. A friend reckons we can do it and I believe in him xD

Every nerf thread, at some point youā€™re just basically saying nerf the nerf.

The world boss just doesnā€™t want to give any character of mine loot :laughing:

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Calculating that the Mistweaver mana buff will give us 14 casts for the cost of 13 at present.

Feels like it might not be quite enoughā€¦

New drop rates doing nothing for my luck

10 raid bosses 4 normal and 6 heroic nothing at all apart from the bag from Artificer (which I donā€™t need on my main)

However I did win a roll with a 99 and 213 BoE boots dropped for me (for a second time) - they are listed for 72K on my server so not all bad. Iā€™lI trade the 72K for a weapon though.

server disconnecting mid runā€¦

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yes I had to give that up the other day same reason. Even worse, I needed 3 WQs and there were only 3 and that was one of them

The amount of players caving to paid boosts

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Same happened to me last night- thankfully my group waited for me instead of kicking me and we still timed it

Sanguine + Grievous.

Didnā€™t we get rid of this combo in BfA because it was horrible beyond belief?

The blizzcon leak for 9.1

If youā€™re a raider you will be happy if youā€™re casual not much improvement of what you already have.

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Q&A customisation answer

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The Q&A news about customisation. Terrible decision.


Famu does not want to give me his ugly mount :sob:

I ran out of likes :frowning: