😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Great quote :laughing:

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this forum needs urgently a mod. without it is becomin a mess.


Fixed for ya


Explosives :bomb: :bomb: :bomb: :bomb:

Not wanting to M+ for a whole week is sort of annoying.

I’d say we just nuke it but…

remembers Fallout 4 intro quest, where your character personally sees the world burn because of an atomic bomb dropped on their hometown

…just need a good level-headed, but fun-loving mod here. That oughta help. :thinking:


People making groups and then not going there to summon. Waited for 5 minutes and people were just flying around in ZM. Like, if you list a key and the group is filling up, start making your way there?

and in the middle of a nuclear war and masses of conspirational ppl arrives suddenly Elahri whining somethin M related. (sorry Elahri, just to have a laugh in this field of tears)

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Arthas: this entire forum must be purged.

jokes aside, yeah a Mod is needed.

ahhhhh yes. i loved his style.

I do not have the patients and bag space to get through that minigame. I have ignored it since I tried it. I think it looks good reading about it but just not for me. I particularly did not get that I have to collect mats for to get it done.

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The :clown_face: rampage on the forum.


I managed to make it to 20.4K read posts, but still no TL3.

Honestly I give up.

Also due to the

Might need a break too. :wave:


It’s best not to try and farm the TL levels. Posting gifs really isn’t worth effort.

Just visit and be as actively as you want to.

Better to just hope to get into beta and obtain it permanently. :sunglasses:


and don’t forget to opt in to beta also.

Good point!

If anyone is looking to opt in, you can do so here

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And then there’s no need to maintain it either.

Literally the only reason I opted in…

It does make life so much easier. I don’t care for TL3 but having it is a nice addition without the pressure of maintenance.

as if they invite any non-raiding roleplayers :sob:

Waiting 30+ minutes in a queue only to miss it because I had to pee.

Honestly. We need a better system than this. Has someone been in the queue for a long time and has not yet had their character go automatically afk? Then give them longer to respond. It’s obvious that they just stepped away for a moment.

Also, put something useful in LFR even for mythic raiders. Make satchels offer 20k gold, or give 5x reputation if the character is over ilvl 265. Encourage endgame players to still want to go back to LFR and help fill the gaps.