šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Protip: Go to torghast and sign up for a torghast wing and go inside the wing when you have to do that. You wonā€™t lose the queue to missing it pop that way because it canā€™t pop while inside torghast. I do this every time Iā€™m signing for any queued content and have to step away from the computer. You might have to wait a bit longer for a group if a group is formed while youā€™re in there but it beats having to start the queue over from the start.

Itā€™s also very useful when doing timewalking as a dps, Iā€™ll usually just put myself in queue and then go do something else and then come back to WoW and pretty much get a group instantly as soon as I leave torghast, due to the time Iā€™ve been in the queue.



This little quest made me frown.

You are to escort a 3k hp mob with powerful spells (aka. a glass cannon), heā€™d pull enemies himself unlike other escort mobs who are more avoidant, and I even think he has a hidden taunt, not to mention he doesnā€™t even stop to allow for recoveryā€¦

First try, we were almost out of the tombā€™s vicinity he spawns at, and what happens, we get 2 scripted adds and 2 patrols too on horseback. He was ripped to pieces in no time and couldnā€™t even drop a protection on him.

Second try was successful, but stillā€¦ never again.

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Finding out the hard way that opening freshly looted pocopoc costumes dismount me.

Colostomy bags are your friend there- thats how the top players do it

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I use 2l bottles and a tube.

Easy life!


After a certain age those compfy adult diapersā€¦


I take it you know from personal experience??? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::smile:

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I was wearing nappies at 30, saves time emptying the bottles :rofl::rofl::poop:


You kids get off my lawn!
:gun: :fox_face:

What? And turn down free fertiliser?

Ok Iā€™ll go stand on your drive then :crazy_face:

Yep try pissing into empty beer bottles in yhe middle of an m+ run - pretty difficult unless you are a corpseā€¦

Or, like me, you use a tube (or at a push, a straw)

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Amen to that, my desert rat friend - ive just done my front garden in 32 degrees heat, just need to tidy up the edges noe

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Oh go away, youā€™re boring now!

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I identify as an apache helicopter but I donā€™t brag about it lol


How very dare you, Iā€™m a proud body 2, with a sexy girlfriend as well :rainbow_flag::rainbow_flag::rainbow_flag::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::revolving_hearts::two_hearts:


I know, was being sarcastic towards Humanrat above me x

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I work with people from all preferences and heres the thing - i would rather work with them rhan tje majority of 'straight ā€™ people. We can mock each other with no repercussions as we all take it as banter, i get some stick, they get it back. It funny s hell if we are all on the same shift


Best night out you can ever experience is in a gay bar/club. There are no expectations, no pressure and just people enjoying themsekves!

That was a quote from my brother who came on a night out with me to Minskys (a gay bar) in Cardiff.


Similar experience for me in Bournemouth. Me and a few mates done a pub crawl before a Status Quo concert, we ended up in a gay bar right next to the venue. I must admit, it was good fun, and most of them were going to the show too.
I will defend those guys and girls, they were brilliant company that night