😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Always seemed like a nice guy, I enjoyed his Blizzcon panels.

People who need to one-up you in World PvP after you beat them fair and square.
In this particular case, I got killed, then I had my revenge but they felt the need to come back and finish me of when I had only 5% HP left. I hope their ego is satisfied now :roll_eyes:

I was going to feign outrage, but then I thought of my vicinity, Dewsbury, Batley, and I thought, no no, he’s right, he’s right…

The Dales are gorgeous though,

Hope you have a lovely time though, ignore this stuff, twill all blow over!!


the amount of hunters in this game is to damn high!

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It was too hot to play yesterday, so today I’m going to enjoy the cooler temps and pray for rain :rofl:

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getting tea bagged by an orc in battleground .

The only achievements that are covenant based that I have left to do either revolve around the PoA which I detest or they are NF that rely on RNG and swapping covenants all the time means I don’t get a rotation of weekly quests.

2 things made me quite sad.

First, not seeing a staff/ring option, instead just a helm - was a slight upgrade however.

Second, 2 manning Deathwing Spine.
The tentacles have a looooooong stun of 25 secs… and timed it twice so that we were stunlocked for the window we could kill the breach sealing tentacle. :frowning_with_open_mouth: That mechanic needs to be removed or heavily nerfed. 25 secs is huge.

No mounts dropped, by the way.

Not being able to play with a friend lvling an alt because he wants to play horde because he doesn’t like the aesthetics of alliance races.

Make it all cross faction already.


Not really wow related but wearing a mask in 44 Celsius weather.

When will this Corona end :roll_eyes:

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Yeah, also not WoW related but let’s try by saying I’m an ex-druid main :woozy_face: … I made the effort to take care of a bunch of actual plants in my home and today I woke up to them totally ruined by a millepede :angry: Made quite the mess too.

Wow - I had no idea millipedes could do so much damage. I don’t really see them round where I live.
My sympathies.

Thank you. I’ve never seen one so big and fat. I actually found another tiny one there too.

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All your plants… :wink:

Seriously though. sorry about your plants.

As a hobby gardener, I know the frustration when something that takes months to grow gets demolished in an evening. :unamused: :herb: :bug:


I think you need to get rid of them and take them somewhere far far away.

Looking at the shaman talent tree and then at the hunter talent tree

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Maybe they can still be saved.

Sorry, I meant the millipedes not the plants. But, yes, try saving the plants.

Oh, hahaha, sadly I wasn’t so kind to the millipedes :wink:


Some posters make such inappropriate posts at others. I do not understand the mindset.