šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

That would be greed.

Getting a weekly vault done on my main wasnā€™t easy this week.

I tried a 15 DoS first, we had a few deaths already on trash at the Manastorm wing, but when it was only Xyexa left (apart from final boss), 2 peeps left after 2 wipes on her. Could have been downed butā€¦ come on. That was 40 mins wasted, basically. :frowning_with_open_mouth:

So in the end I got into a 14 NW, wasnā€™t the easiest with good old Bursting and volcanic and a bit squishy tank, but managed to time it somehow after a wipe or two.

ā€¦one single vault slot, and it took almost 2hrs. I better get a staff for it at long last. :pray:

Meny players do Comp Stomp when event is up there is like 10 sec queues but blizzard has not made it yet to a regular thing so it is alweys up so peoples can do when ever they like and make it scale 10-70

Every reset the NF garden gives me the same seed quest, Iā€™m never getting this achie done

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Shadowlands; itā€™s so bad.

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Some 263 warlock managing to pull an astonishing 1.7k dps. Like, how. How do you even do that low dps.


Netflix. Most likely


Goes without saying, but donā€™t mount farm if youā€™re depressedā€¦was going to type more, but w/e. :neutral_face: Guess I should just forget about it and carry on working towards the Veilstrider title until Dragonflight.

Dear diary, some people here are reallyā€¦ interestingā€¦ and only come to look for fights. I wonder, whatā€™s the use?


I got reminded that the people that made bfa, sl, and dragon-something are still in charge of the game :sweat:

Maybe they like the way Trolls smell. :grin:

Or perhaps the smell of slow roasted beef woos them in.

Your forum texting sounds VERY familiar to another forum member.

I wonā€™t out you. But know this, I like your style tiny Troll. Very much so!

Oh, I could so play along with this, but I can ensure you thereā€™s only one me :smile: I was mostly a lurker on EU/US forums previously. Just posted a few times on another toon before and not in GD.

:broken_heart: sowie

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Np friend, I still like you


Iā€™m just not excited for Season 4 :anguished:


Despite changing my appearance in game my forum avatar appears to be stuck with the evil Orka appearance for a bit.

Sometimes it bugs out. The longest period of time weā€™ve had it for was like a whole week.

I havenā€™t seen this bug for a while however :smile:

I was hoping that it would update quicker this time as this hat appeared on my head on the forum as soon as I changed it in game. Ah, wellā€¦ :slight_smile:

Itā€™s gone now, but I think logging in and out of the forum mostly solves that