😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)



9.1 is probably more summer than spring.

And we all know classes don’t get changes mid-season.

Even when the season is 8 months long.


…also, I forgot that the event vendors disappear at 10am and lost about 200 love tokens when I logged in yesterday.

Twi’s sadness.

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It is the purpose that binds us.

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The lag in the Maw, although the saving grace was the player base all poking fun in general chat about how it’s a new Jailer affix.

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Having to play a covenant I don’t like because it’s straight up better, when I prefer the characters, aesthetics, story and zone of another. Ion promised it wouldn’t happen and it did.

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Having the floor 2 boss in Skoldus dropping the ‘immune to all damage for 1.5 mins’ anima power.

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Two duplicates as the only PvE options in my vault; 226 bracers and 213 ring.

Ended up taking a 200 PvP item because one of my vers pieces was only 194. Least I can use it for BGs once a week, but what a waste of potential when some of my PvE gear is only 207. Why not give me an item for those slots? :pouting_cat:

If the vault is going to be the gearing path (which it is) then it needs an algorithm that tilts the outcome in players’ favor.

Finding out by reliable forum sources that wow subscriptions are down by 78 million.

But I can’t tell you source. Because you will only discredit it.

That’s why I’m unsubbing…


trying to complete my shamans covenant campaign quests but im utterly lacking motivation, no idea how anyone could ever survive completing this. im currently 4/9 and i am so ready to kill myself. i didnt like revendreth before but now i most definitely hate it. flying cant come fast enough.


Am in a group for WC on classic.
Did a quick relogg since I have some latency.
Can’t log in to bnet or any game client D:

Edit: the estimated wait time keeps increasing rather than decreasing D:
Quickly! Post cats to soothe the servers!

Was leveling an alt in low level dungeons (Classic/Cata Chromie time stuff). Someone in the group got disconnected and there was instantly a vote to kick with “autistic slacker” as the reason for kicking. I voted no, got yelled at and then got kicked when I said I wasn’t going to vote yes to what they wrote. Want to kick someone? Go ahead, just don’t be a childish moron about it.

Awh thats mean!

Lack of fun forum threads to reply too, Twi… stop slacking!

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Famu still wont give me his mount

Decided that i want 500 anima from WM quest to kill 25 hordes. Went to maw runed around for 20 min not a single horde in sight. Did they took advice and turned WM off?

As I get no power gain from AP I’ve not had WM on this expansion apart from levelling. I think the previous massacre in the Maw put a lot of Horde off, at one point the WM bonus dropped quite low for Alliance so they got no quest etc. I have no idea what it’s at today.

I think the Maw is generally avoided by most regardless of WM on or off.

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I find it a bit strange considering only alliance get that quest but i gues there might be a lot of horde with WM on in every other part of the world besides The Maw.

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It was a quest introduced during Legion to try and bribe the Alliance into turning WM back on. It just created some very short term tourism where they would come do their kills and go back to the safety of WM off again.

The Horde could get the quest if we were ever the minority to that extent our WM bonus reached a high enough percentage.

it happened again!!! got a weapon (item level 220) from stone legion generals and its an offhand…

cant trade it cause i got a 213 staff…cant use it cause i dont have a 1h…

i ve had that staff since my second vault chest thingy. so saltyyyyyyyyy