šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

There is a difference between ignoring with or without personal choice involved.

Im ignoring them to spare u all the displeasure of reading it all.

I would rather not ignore anyone but they leave me little option.

I do have under 10 ignoredā€¦ aswellā€¦ but that is still too many for my taste.

Only one of them i will probably unignore.

Joined a +2 for some quick valor.

The tank is whispering me about how the dps sucks because Iā€™m 3rd on damage done as the healer.

What does he expect in a +2, I had like 40 ilvls more than them.


Mad at myself for giving people chance after chance only to be let down time and again. Also thinking some people are your friends when they are not really only myself to blame there.


These messages from a pvper friend who recently decided he wants the KSM mount popping up on my tabletā€™s screen



I canā€™t like that so I will just say I hope youā€™re alright.


Luanfuā€™s link:


I ran through the demon hunter starting zone for the first time since the level squish. It was not much fun as enemies just flopped over, making the entire thing a slog to get through.

Getting a JY 12 in me vault - god i hate that place, but got a nice ring that whacked my haste up from 20% to 30%. Obviously enchanted it with mastery so a 50/50 week for me

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Sylvanas fight. Again. This time on heroic.

It takes ages, phase 1 is boring, phase 2 literally makes my head buzz, and phase 3 is full of distracting little effects that you canā€™t actually avoid anyway but do nothing to settle my brain after phase 2. If you fail, you tend to fail after 10 minutes, and that just feels bad.


Missing timer on +21 upper karazhan by like 1 second. We wiped on medivh due to someone moving during flame wreathe when he was almost dead first try. We would have timed it with several minutes left if they didnā€™t move during flame wreathe.

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I hate that I donā€™t have much space in my PC that I have to delete some games In order to make room for wow and vice versa. Like canā€™t I play Sims, wow, and FF14 all at the same time.

Itā€™s fine though Iā€™m used to it by now. I really donā€™t have the money anyway to fix the issue plus Iā€™m lazy


ā€œNecessity is the mother of inventionā€ :smile:



On my 10th run on the MAW I stupidly died on the 1st elite mission I had to do on my Shadow Priest.
Basically he dragged everyone to the middle started draining HP and I should had stepped back. However having done this same quest on:

  • Fury Warrior x2
  • Frost DK
  • BM Hunter x2
  • WW Monk
  • Havoc DH
  • Retribution Paladin
  • Frost Mage

I didnā€™t paid any attention to the HP as I was too focused on getting that Elite as fast as I could so I could move on.
Needless my character got owned and something died inside of me. :pensive:

Looking at my rooster I can now understand why I only have 4 cloth users as opposed to: 9 plate users, 5 mail users and 7 leather users :frowning_face:



Best just pick wow thenā€¦

Edit: finally got 100 reputationsā€¦only to see that there is no follow up achievement and Iā€™m a bit sad because of thisā€¦hope they add more in the future

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the obsessive abuse of forum flagging left unchecked by mod

The helm I was farming for at least 2 months just dropped yesterday.
Also Tazavesh Soā€™leah mount just dropped yesterday.

Why frown? :neutral_face: because next week I donā€™t know what to farm anymore :rofl: Iā€™m feeling so empty now that it dropped :rofl:
And it dropped on the first char, I couldnā€™t log any alt to run the dungeon againā€¦

All Russian premades are the same in Classic BGs as Retail :frowning:

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The mouseover cast option on the PTR. I was not expecting the game to try and Hammer of Wrath my own face.


Friends dont put friends on ignore .

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I didnā€™t knew where to write this, so I decided to put here.

Blizzard sometimes seems to be analyzing everything I do in game and say in the Forums.
I will let you decide if thatā€™s just a coincidence or not.

  • Before SL I felt MM lacked a tool to keep the enemies at distance, due to lone wolf talent. Long behold they allowed MM to have a pet again and have lone wolf talent again once the pet is dismissed.
  • I complained that the narrative in BFA didnā€™t represent what Thrall wanted when he created the Horde and long behold heā€™s back working with Jaina in SL and Sylvanas got punished by Tyrande as I wanted.
  • I refused to go through BFA narrative, having leveled/geared almost everyone of my characters through LFD/LFR.
    I noticed that I canā€™t queue for any SL dungeons if I donā€™t fill prerequisites. I assume doing the quests to unlock said dungeon, meaning go through the story.
  • I wrote on the Forum, I would play SL for free and it came for free with a level 50 boost, 4 months before DF launch. Thatā€™s why I came back.
  • I wrote on the Forum, I had too many resources invested on the Horde to play Alliance.
    It seems now you can send gold, gear, materials to the opposite faction now.
    I guess itā€™s time to consider leveling Alliance characters as well, once Iā€™m done on the Horde side with my identity crisis regarding what character(s) to chose.
  • I spent most of my time playing TW dungeons farming chests for ILV 425 gear during BFA and TW badges, with 10 level 120 (current level 50) characters.
    Now it seems you canā€™t upgrade Heirlooms from level 50 to 60, with TW badges unless the character that is purchasing them is level 60.
  • I was having fun while unsubscribed, gearing characters level 20 and playing Bgs level 20-29. Blizzard decided to put the XP locked characters (usually level 29) with the people that have no subscription active on a separate bracket.

I realize there was other factors behind the changes and a lot of people asked for this changes but it seems to be too much of a coincidence for me. :thinking:
Either way I will be more careful with what I write here from now on. :laughing:
