😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Ask for housing!

You are now…the chosen…


Just wiped on Coren Direbrew because level 45 tank was unable to hold aggro and my Mage ended up tanking the mobs for the few seconds it took them to kill her… The tank blamed the healer and everyone left.

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yes amazoner! be our speaker! HOUSING!!!


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Amazoner packs quite a performance imo!

My back still hurts a bit :sweat:

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My first EVER BOE finally droped in a fated heroic!
And… it was a 207 belt
The next guy’s BOE? 291
What the actual [redacted] :rage:


Seeing Tesla’s avatar return to normal


She is Punyelf’s slightly more evil sister and Dunkiee is their redheaded cousin.


Are you related to Kretias I wonder?

I don’t think so, but who knows, Zandalar ain’t that big.

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How poorly telegraphed some abilities in this game are and how there’s way too much visual clutter, especially when you can’t turn off friendly players spell effects.

Spending at least one hour make a dracthyr on the wrong realm where you caant even get to Dragon isle. ages to customise then ages to figure a name. then ages to figure out what i wanna try specc ways,

i changed realm and rolled assasin rogue instead. Ill have another go when i get time.

Weekly reset after weekly reset passes and conquest boxes still aren’t implemented so I can play my alts

Probably a world drop as opposed to a raid boe :wink:

I know that’s not much of a consolation.

So you’re playing on gehennas horde ? Hello ! I play human female warlock what are you playing ? How did your wrath of the lick king launch go by the way ?

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This is my Wrath character, launch was lovely, the squad was online ready to go and we did dungeons until 3am :slight_smile:


A wrath paladin that must hurt plenty I went and did some battleground I had forgotten how fierce paladin and dk became , it was good here too but i logged at two in the morning still plenty of allianc player everywhere lol i play on drainblood a human female affli warlock jewelcrafter too ! :o

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Guy that decides to pull instead of the tank doing the pulling, pulling several packs when we’re doing zul’gamux.

I saw short clip where Lothars son gets killed by Blakchand. Didn’t ruin my day but it was sad

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