😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Before the reset I managed to get one of the warglaives (Off hand) to my DH, then i realized that I had the main hand on my paladin who cannot even use it, got upset and sad.

  1. I remembered why I hate the sunwell raid. You have to wait for dialogues to finish even though you already heard it 200+ times. Too many mobs that I’m too lazy to deal with.

  2. The :clap: bow :clap: never :clap: drops

I tried and tried and tried. Three characters each week. It never drops, only dropped for my mage which makes me think it wants to anger me on purpose :joy:



Makes me frown EVERY day - The community and its behaviour to eachother

What makes me frown today? The fact that 278-285 drops from normal fated and as 286-299 you can’t get an invite to heroic fated, which drops 291-298 as they only accept 300 and above. Blizzard really didn’t think through the gearing and apparently it’s going to be the same mess for dragonflight forcing people to M+ for gear for months hoping from the vault to finally get over 300 ( For dragonflight being over 400 or 10 ish?) and get allowed into heroic fated by the unfriendly and elitest 1%?

(As example with 286 and mostly 291 you would need heroic fated to get that anduin ring 291 for hpriest, but can’t get it because you’re not 300+ which would make the ring irrelevant… because logic)

Good times… This is what’s making alot of realms feel empty, nobody wants to play anymore.

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Looks like blizzard blessed me with the other glaive today after yesterday’s post. Now i got both glaives but the reason why I write here still is that my paladin cannot still use the warglaive. Sadge.

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Wish it was that easy,

but incase they are listening, i would love a Ashes of alar mount, and legendary bow :stuck_out_tongue:

Two things today…

Firstly, I keep getting the “Transfer aborted: Instance not found” bug leaving my characters stuck in the aether.

Secondly, The sheer amount of stuff I have to do in order to get this new character up to scratch. I can’t even mount up in the Maw!

Got that on my first attemp years ago… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

“Don’t convoke before key starts, you will pull aggro”

How about you don’t lose aggro.


Too soon! They are awakening Dragonflight too soon, Executus!

There’s no way I am ready to play the expansion this soon. Got too much stuff to do.

they runed rogues :frowning:

Well I went beta and start playing evoker and honestly I think its a joke class. Super disappointed with a lack of fantasy, lack of interesting rotation and will be squishy as hell in pvp. Doesn’t feel like a hero class. Super sad…


The brought group loot back - I like personal loot. I am glad about the no restrictive trading at least but I’m put off pugs even more because there -are- people that will need on items they don’t actually need.

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This… I hope that at least keys won’t be affected. Pugs that is. It could be useful to help gear up a friend or guildie though, by armor and class stacking after which you trade all the loot to that 1 person.

But what I mean is, personal loot should be default and you have to change to group loot personally as a leader. And, make sure to note it in LFG :smile:

I went to Throne of Thunder, dropped a plate epic (But blue color waist) BoE from Heroic, but it is still soulbound!

But it was from my Tauren Shaman and did not equip one

Or just personal loot… with no trading restrictions. That seemed like the logical choice to me.

Otherwise, this. To have the choice if you wanna trade an item or not :smile: especially if the slot can be upgraded with valor or another currency.

People going into solo shuffle undergeared and then whining when they die to burst damage.


These people… Seriously.

Yes, I expect my ilvl 220 alts to be quite sturdy in there. :rofl:

Accidently joined a Heroic Shadowlands dungeon and am now stuck with deserter.