šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Heroic+ in particularā€¦ what is it even?

Alsoā€¦ what do heroic dungeons reward atm? 1 valor emblem per boss kill, or something else?

Itā€™s an effort to keep the dungeons spam relevant so that they are worth running:-

Heroic Plus Dungeons

When Ulduar releases in Phase 2 of Wrath Classic, all 10-man loot from Phase 1 of Wrath Classic will be moved to Heroic Dungeons, in a new version of the dungeon with an increased difficulty. Players will have the ability to increase the difficulty on Heroic Dungeons, granting the loot drops from 10-man Phase 1 raids.

Well, isnā€™t that neatā€¦ makes dungeons an endgame pillar like retail.

I hope that means we can get the 245 ilvl ToGC loot when ICC and RS are out - would be a fun way to gear up! Getting badges to have enough gearscore just consumes an eternity and this way we can skip a lot of otherwise weak items for which there isnā€™t a proper alternative. I remember having to convert emblems to valor to buy some tank shoes as the alternative just never wanted to drop from HoRā€¦

Real question (not trolling - I have no interest in Classic) . How do the #nochanges crowd feel about H+? I missed the s-storm (if there was one)

Theyā€™ve made lots of little changes including the lockouts for 10 and 25. Itā€™s not one lockout now. You can run both 10 and 25 man.

No idea really, couldnā€™t try Wrath yet due to irl (my laptop isnā€™t with me, only will be when I go home next week).

is heroic+ really neededā€¦??

wasent how it used to be in wotlk perfectly fine?

including RDF?

if anything they are showing they are learning absolutely nothing from player feedbackā€¦

by turning even classic more into some horrible retail mashup

but is that really surprising.

LFD came in with the ICC patch, and for some reason it was excluded, same with the in game quest helper, they decided making people use addons was better.

We didnā€™t really do dungeons much outside of the daily quest once you start raiding. You simply donā€™t need them for anything at that point. So they kind of became obsolete unless gearing alts etc.

Would be fine if you could get the emblem gear much faster. This way, you have a direct way to it, basically only 5 peeps compete for loot so much easier to gear up.

I do wonder how it would be tunedā€¦ as dungeons like HoR on HC were hard as is.

it seems like they have very out of touch staff working on classic if you ask me personally.

i agree with the fact dungeons were not really neededā€¦

but for me as a filthy casual in wotlkā€¦

heroics were my main content with RDF for that one token a week to get gearā€¦

i loved that back then its what made that expansion for me.

im against anything heroic+ honestlyā€¦

people may enjoy it fair enough for themā€¦

but i seen what it turned retail into ā€¦ and well classic wont be classic at all once they add it.

EDIT: i am guessing they realised mythic+ is the only content still semi alive in shadowlandsā€¦ and are hoping adding heroic+ to classic will draw out the player interestā€¦

somehow it kept people interested in shadowlandsā€¦ it could do the same for classic.

otherwise most people would just quit after they kill arthas once.

either way BIG FROWN from me. :frowning_face:

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But weā€™re not tied into one.

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And the renown ranks seem fairly passive to level if you even want to bother, itā€™s all cosmetic rewards so not necessary if you arenā€™t interested.


Nothing, havent played:)

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Leveling my last character in the MAW, my BE Priest.
I put the resolution at max and prepared for my 24th run.
Iā€™m missing that place as it was fun to RP there.
From now on itā€™s all new scenario I will have to repeat 25 times each, meanwhile time is running out fast for DF launch :frowning_face:



Had a realisation that someone who i had been friends with for 3+ years would only ever come to me when i could get them something in-game.


probably im the last one to discover this. I have just 1 toon with exalted with death advance and in order to collect all the 4 mount i need to switch every covenant.
In practical term isnt nothinā€¦ but damnā€¦

Being forced to log off by another player. This player kept spamming group invite to me for about an hour and I couldnā€™t join BG or instance or do much really.

I didnā€™t even know that was a thing. You can press alt and Z to make invite go away but this guy just kept this behaviour up. There should be a limit to that when a player has refused invites.

Report them. Itā€™s toxic behaviour, they should be given a ā€˜timeoutā€™ we donā€™t want idiots like that in game.

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