šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Had to delete the wow companion app because it stopped working. Well it was fun while it lasted. I expected more of that TBH.

Mine still works, you got any outstanding updates?

The other thing that sometimes catches people out is trying to log into the wrong region.

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Itā€™s totally gone from My app store now. That was the first problem I had with it. Ah well. No Gold for me today while iā€™m on the bus. Thanks any way though. I went through all the steps and was hit with a brown screen that wouldnā€™t progress.

I tried Dl it again and it just got stuck on Downloading for hours so I deleted it again. Try again tomorrow.

in Shadowlands hunters learned to tame undead pets in BFA came the meca pets
so in dragonflight they learn tame dragons pets ? :stuck_out_tongue:

Lesser Dragonkin Taming will do just that as I said

will they be even avable to shoot fireballs even :frowning:

Depends on the amount of chilli in the pet foodā€¦ :wink: :fire:

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It was definitely too much :grimacing:


I have a list of characters that I log all the time so I donā€™t end up burning too much rested XP on the same character, while others are not being played.
Me after finding out 2 days ago, it was the turn of my BE Paladin (1st BE character created back in TBC):

Me after finding out yesterday, it was the turn of my BE Mage (I used the boost that came with BFA purchase on her):

I realized, I never played solo quest with her and if I did I donā€™t remember.
I used the level 110 boost on her and from there on, only played LFD, TW dungeons.
I always had 4 players around her and even in the SL intro quest I had Darion Mograine covering her, after that, it was Thrall and Jaina :frowning_face:

Edit: Iā€™m done with her. I was looking at the next character and itā€™s this character turn :astonished:


Did a 15 for vault last night and hoped to get either a belt or a passive trinket maybe. Neither dropped unfortunately.

On the bright side, of the 2 rings I could pick from, one was an upgrade for my Mechagon logic ring loop, so now I proc an AoE heal when dmging an enemy from behind, easily kept on CD. :smile:

Nothing new but the forum moderation.

Too much hate going on

I was doing the kill quest right after you rescue Pelagos from his painful memories.
I was on this character and the quest items dropped by the yellow bar creatures was harder to get, than in any of the other 8 characters that preceded her. I even wondered if this vanilla character brought her vanilla luck with her :weary:


Not wow related but i have seriously damaged my right ankleā€¦

i stupidly walked full force right into the corner of a metal wall guardā€¦

at the front of my ankle right where the foot meet ankleā€¦

i can no longer lift my foot upwards without amazing amounts of pain ā€¦ been like this for over a week now .

big frowns.

had to work a 50 hour week with barely being able to put weight on my right foot lol

Liars that canā€™t read the thread title.

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Russia pre-mades in EBG and the Brawl, saw one with 5 players of 2K honor and one of 3Kā€¦ Get destroyed almost instantly. There was on Pala Tank that I swear was invincible - 5/6 players on him and his HP just didnā€™t move.

It must get boring just farming players for honor and conquest you donā€™t even need.

Something WoW Related that made me frown today - Vulpera.

found out that bis hunter bow is raid only drop a other xpac forced to do pve content :frowning:

Not directly WoW related but my Mrs brought me a cup of tea upstairs earlier but I was mid Torghast run and forgot about it and now itā€™s gone cold!

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The realization that the most fun Iā€™ve had in WoW was in Comp Stomp. MMORPG where the most joy is received by playing the game without chat and in bot pvp mode.

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comp stomp was super fun just hopeing it will become a sepret thing whats up 24/7