šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

I did an alchemy quest in the Vault of the Wardens. Even though it was chromie time, seems like the enemy we fought was level 45 unscaled, which didnā€™t bode well for the lower level members of the group.

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ā€œhurr, letā€™s kill all the mobs at the same time so we have 14 stacks of burstingā€

After getting like 5 queue decliners in a row, I wonder if some people queue just to go AFK and never come back.

Level 15 BM hunter zero AOE spells, hit one Thornbranch scamp and two more spawn. Blasting is more fun, I prefer planned traps rather than on the hoof, feels clunky.

The /shake emote is gone.

Degenerates with throw-away characters puking on the forums.

Jerā€™ome in Silvermoon asked me if I wanted some candy, I said yes, but he didnā€™t give me any candy just a weird poem o(T惘To)

Trying to help new players in Freehold only for them to be aggressiveā€¦

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A human stole my mining node.

Growls in annoyance

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ur not allowed to check old content scaling in beta like have no idea on what ilvl heart of azzorth is scaled to level 60 same goes for level 60 azarite armors ā€¦

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Iā€™m hoping this is something other races will get in the future. Itā€™s such a simple but nice addition.

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Iā€™m now on race against time.
Holidays finally came and now on a race against time to level up as many characters I can until the Dragonflight Pre-Patch Event comes in 25th of Octobert :grimacing:
Yesterday I was finnaly able to start pushing all of my characters at the same time (25).
I only managed to push to the next level 7 characters averaging between 32 minutes for my Tauren feral druid to more than 40 minutes for my Forsaken Disc Priest (gave up on shadow after dying a 2nd time while leveling, this time to a rare).
I pushed another 6 today and now only are 2 left for the level 52 round be completed on all 25 characters :sweat:

After that will be level 53 round :weary:


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Seems we have to wait another 2 weeks for Chromie time to work for 50-60 which is disappointing, I never want to level in SL again. At least we should be getting Tauren Rogues in phase 1? :cow: :hocho:

I was going to bed yesterday after thinking I had everything done :yawning_face:
Than I noticed my 2nd BE Paladin was still level 51 :scream:
I went to check the notepad and noticed: I somehow skipped her (16th) for my Orc Warlock (17th) :astonished:
So I went back to work and leveled her to 52. Sheā€™s now demoted to the 25th place because her rested XP bubbles were consumed too recently :frowning_face:



No m+ on beta.

Necrotic/spiteful on live servers.


Good progress, however donā€™t you think that it would be better to focus on portions of alts so you have some at max lvl for prepatch?

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Spot on as usual Furyeclipser :+1:
Iā€™ve been thinking about this all the time (you suggested this in another thread).
I recognize this may backfire and Iā€™m probably being too ambitious :frowning_face:

But I really wanna see how long I can use the rested XP, without consuming it too fast.
I thought on doing a Timewalking dungeon to speed things up, but that would involve killing too many mobs (burning too many rested XP bubbles on the process) and you only regenerate 1 rested XP bubble per 8 hours of rest at a inn.

I may be forced in the 2-4 days of pre-patch to pick 4 characters and hit level 60.
Meanwhile I will see how far I can go.

Edit: typing.

Cheers :smile:

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How about this program:

Day 1 - alts 1,2,3
Day 2 - alts 4,5,6
Day 3 - alts 7,8,9
Day 4 - alts 1,2,3 ( 9 bars of rested xp is more than enough for level-up)

Also, keep in mind that TW dungeons are giving way more XP than regular ones, you should do them.

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That would be great :+1:
Unfortunately, from what I understood the pre-patch event is coming on the 25th of October :frowning_face:
Iā€™ve been trying to run as many alts as I can in a day (Ideally 12-13).
I play for less than a hour in each character. As soon as the character hits the next level, I hearthstone back to the inn and change to another character.
I only do questing, so I can get more gold, more story progress and save more XP bubbles in the process.
The exception is the Headless Horseman event dungeon as it rewards 2 XP bubbles with less than 10 minutes of gameplay
Also Iā€™m pushing 25 characters (I know: itā€™s crazy).

Cheers :smile:

Invasions will not be up on October 25th, only new UI and talents. You have enough time to prepare few 60ā€™s for invasions gearing.

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