šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

youā€™ll hit like a noodle at 60 too ā€¦ I T I S Y O U R D E S T I N Y

Noodles are great thoughā€¦

that the resto druid who joined our m+6 spires key
died to ventunax aoe 2 or 3 times
it should be easy to dodge the flames lol

It has been a couple of weeks since I have dinged 60 and scoured world quests every day and there are still a couple of conduits i have never ever seen pop and i am missing! And they wonā€™t seem to drop in the dungeons either!

Every day I see another ā€œur eye of kilrogg can drop demonic circleā€ conduit, I get it, I have it. Show me something else!

I also frown i have encountered more ā€œlolwutā€ than locks usually get even. Starting my M+ this week (doing it old fashioned, every key at 2, then every key at 3/4, etc) but iā€™m sampling demo and enjoying how it plays but people still getting all elitist and ā€œu should swap broā€ for a freaking +2!!! The damage certainly feels more than enough for what iā€™m doing with my gear at least.

Worked out itā€™s probably going to take 100+ days to get a team of followers up to level 60 so they can do the last campaign mission. 1x 1500 exp mission per day doesnā€™t count for much past level 40.

100% buffs a few weeks back and yet Kyrian are still terrible :pouting_cat:

Feels bad man. If I donā€™t go and grind all the anima WQs, itā€™s going to be about 4-5 weeks of ā€˜just playing the gameā€™ before I get my last transport network tier.

Letā€™s not even talk about the next Queenā€™s Conservatory upgrade for my alt. Thatā€™s probably 10 weeks. And itā€™ll only be tier 3 of 5ā€¦

Iā€™ve not done that ā€˜grindā€™ for a while because itā€™s boring and Iā€™m trying not to spend my time doing boring chores.

I will probably give in and farm the damn stuff or Iā€™ll never get any more upgrades :laughing: :sob:


I remembered that I bought an epic eddition of SL and were suppose to get transmog set but I canā€™t find it anywhere :frowning:

Anyone knows something about this?

You have to farm it. The mount has a clickable bit behind where you sit and you summon a quest giver. Start the quest and my best advice would be to ignore the quest and just go about your business as normal, you will passively gain the transmog set over time.

I farmed mine and that meant spending hours killing mobs getting the drops to hand in.

thanks! I thought they forgot about meā€¦

Never bothered to look it up since Iā€™m not big on transmogs but still was wandering whatā€™s up with that set they promised us

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I actually thought it was a cheek that we had to do a grindy quest to get the outfit. I hope they never repeat that.

yeah if it was fun bit of content Iā€™m sure we would welcome it, but if you say itā€™s grindy I totally agree with you.

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I somehow ended up with the quest, and clicked someone elseā€™s mount to hand it in. Now I have the transmog. Didnā€™t buy a fancy edition.

Feel a bit guilty, but Iā€™m never going to transmog it anyway soā€¦

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They had to change the wording of the various editions to reflect that. I am not sure it was intended but in true community spirit we listed ourselves in the group finder for people without that edition to come get the quest. It spread like wildfire :laughing:

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the world quests that make you do annoying additions to complete and the end result is meh.

Yeah, every time my random mount button came/comes up with the ensorcelled everwyrm I make sure to drop the quest giver around the mission table or the main inn of the area I was in.
Hellā€¦ even to this date, when I see someone else with the mount I go: ā€œMust click the orb!ā€ :stuck_out_tongue:

And my frown: I donā€™t know what changed in SL but when you call out doing ā€˜bossesā€™ or spawn bosses like World edge gorger in general it seems no one wants to join in. Iā€™m not calling it out for help, just so that others can have a tagā€¦but its very rare to see people join in.
Same when me and the wife are engaged with a rare, you see people just ride past it. Not that we need help but: easy kill. So why are people not joining in as much as during Legion/BFA? Itā€™s really bizar how it changed over an expansion.

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Getting souls for the Queenā€™s Conservatory seems a little harder than I thought at first.

The only ones Iā€™m left farming are Valfir, Sabriel and Famu and I join groups in group finder for that. I canā€™t say Iā€™ve called out many in the zone.

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Getting trapped in a continual vulpine wild soul leap dc bug, then realising that was still more fun than the torghast quest I was about to do.

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I got ganked by a Horde rogue in Stormwind today in the portal room.

But as a Holy priest i was able to heal my allies before dying.

Getting abusive mail ingame again.