šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Wonderful :+1:

Thank you :smile:

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26th surely as weā€™re in Europe?

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:weary: Yesterday I was playing on My BE Monk, trying to level her to 53.
I was doing the storyline in Aspirantā€™s Awakening with only 3.5 bubbles to pop up the level 53, when I was in front of Kalisthene ready to deliver the 2 final quests:

-? The Archonā€™s answer
-? Functioning anima core

I pressed the 1st quest and completely forgot that was the last quest you deliver.
After delivering the 1st quest, Kalisthene flew away :scream:
With that move I lost 15k XP in one go and that was my 5th run. I should had known better by now :sob:
Needles to say when I Hs back to Aspirantā€™s rest, I had 2.5 bubbles to go.
I picked up the quest:

  • Wanted: Altered Sentinel

Usually this quest would grant me the necessary XP to get to level 53 but because I miss out on that huge chunk of XP I had to keep playing :unamused:
So I did the quest and still had 1/5 of the last XP bar missing.
I stupidly chose to do another quest and this one unlocked a barrage of other quests :astonished:
I was at the Temple of Purity, had to speak with Eridia and got the quest:

  • A Temple in need.
    Reward:11755 XP

I told myself: ā€œThis is more than enough :smile:ā€
Than Eridia tells Pelagos to go with me :astonished:
Great now Iā€™m stuck with Pelagos and canā€™t Hs back to Aspirantā€™s rest, in the middle of the chain quest because I donā€™t know if he will still be there next time I need to continue. So to be on the safe side I decided to get to a point where Pelagos would go away :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
I finally decided to just push forward until I finished the whole bloody thing.
I was way past my finishing time :clock1130:, the Laptop was getting hotter :hotsprings: I was getting tired :yawning_face: but I finally finished it.
It was 4:41 (server time) when I started to play my BE Monk.
I was supposed to be done with her by 5:20 (server time).
By the time I was done with the extra set of quests it was 6:18 (server time) when I finally was done and Hs back to Aspirantā€™s rest :tired_face:
The irony was: I only wanted to fill the last XP bubble and I ended up filling up 11.5 XP bubbles in the process.



Logged beta to find out that ability bloat is back with a vengeance and im starting to regret buying DF.

Someone in my group this morning had the Horsemanā€™s Reins drop. I was very nice and congratulated them but inside I was crying.
Also, weirdly, the rings started dropping today. Of course, one dropped on Ananda who is my only character who has absolutely no need of them.
Not the best start to a Saturday :slight_smile:


Anubarakā€™s Pound being buggy in Classic, I stood well behind the boss and still got oneshot by its frontal.

Same goes for the oculus drakes, I get DCed at least once when mounting them.

By the way, wanna get the staff from the final boss there, and hopefully the helm too, and 3x in a row, only the same exact loot drops - an epic bracer and a cape. :frowning_with_open_mouth: Come on!

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Another thing - we had 2 of the same rolls for the bronze drake and even though I rolled earlier, I was the loser hereā€¦


Starting The Fire quest is bugged if you arenā€™t in the currect layer and impossible to make for everyone :frowning_face:

Decided to level my retribution plaladin today :smile:ā€¦didnā€™t realise they had become so squidgy :pleading_face:

The Requirements for some parts of the Veilstrider title.
I decided to pass

3 people who post on Vulpera and waste forum space by being here all 3 toxic.

I wanted to do some fishing in Stormwind earlier so I equipped my Human male Hallows End mask but the guards kept on killing me!


I did a +5 upper kara and we failed to time it. The key wasnā€™t mine but I kinda feel bad for the owner. The run wasnā€™t going at a stellar pace but we could have timed it if not for the last boss wipe. The tank decided to rush and interrupt the last bossā€™s channel in the last phase instead of focus the adds first, needless to say that didnā€™t go too well.

I did it in this character just now and just WOW !
a hole level and 3 XP bublles just for running the Horsemanā€™s even and TW in 39 minutes :astonished:

Thanks for the advice :+1:

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Soulshape no longer works outside of Shadowlands. :tired_face:


Razelikhā€™s Defilement is now uselessā€¦ gg blizz

The state of Retribution Paladins

Vile Taint is now AoE-capped to 8 enemies. It was previously uncapped and was a powerful AoE to use when farming legacy content.

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Not fond of the new UI and canā€™t set up a build for Shadow where I can actually place all my spells Iā€™d use. Thereā€™s simply way too many of them! :cry:


Even with all 8 action bars enabled?

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