šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Been wrestling with the new UI that has either saved or not saved my preset, so it being either gone or savedā€¦ after a relog, and if saved, the pieces of UI would be scattered all over the screen in the wrong places, chat shrunk smaller n smaller, way beyond the minimum size each timeā€¦ Finally frowned and gave up, Got myself one of those fancy UI addons i havenā€™t feelt the need to use before. Now i can finally play the game againā€¦ So thatā€™s something positive at least. :sweat_smile:

Homeless impsā€¦ So meny demo locks turning to affliction

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The amount of threads complaining about the changes on the forums


The emotional cycle of change + Internet ā€˜rageā€™ = forums on change weeks.

Give it two-three weeks and 99% of people will be completely happy with their UI and everything else.

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You can always blame me for not playing with you.

The stupidā€¦ ā€¦it burns!


I know this. However Iā€™ve just tested it - I got a new mount from an island salvage box and learnt it and used it so no problem with that. My mount count went up to 508, my achievement count stayed on 454. I donā€™t want to bother GMs at the moment when the queue is so long for people with ā€˜properā€™ problems ā€¦ but itā€™s very frustrating and thereā€™s a new frown on my face :cry:

itā€™s been nearly 20 years but blizzard still proves its the dumbest company on the planet


Browsing the forums recently put a frown on my face.

People called me the most negative on the forumsā€¦

Do people even read these forums?

Was levelling my dwarf pally yesterday and attempted the fire quest in Goldshire. The buckets of water werenā€™t putting out the fires some of the time and the fire kept reigniting due to a certain annoying headless ā€˜badgerā€™ā€¦

Other players were ā€˜helpingā€™ but I couldnā€™t get the quest to complete even when all the fires appeared to be ā€˜outā€™. Gave up and abandoned it in the end. :unamused:

For an npc without a head that horseman sure does talk too much, could still hear him gloating over by the logging campā€¦ :weary: :roll_eyes:


Gloating is what he does best, especially if you are a certain red haired DK who still hasnā€™t got his mount :laughing:


but where is that red haired DK???

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Ikr. The forum has no Soul without the fabulous one :pleading_face:

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[quote=ā€œAfenton-argent-dawn, post:4139, topic:202400ā€] Gloating is what he does best, especially if you are a certain red haired DK who still hasnā€™t got his mount :laughing:

Hehe, you never let an opportunity go to waste :laughing:

Edit: I give up with this edit lol

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Busy farming for the mount

He will be back soonTM



Sorry Ananda - just couldnā€™t resist it :rofl:

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I was playing on my Restoration Shaman today, doing my daily run on the Headless horseman instance.
I was thrilled to test the new talents and my new macros based on:
/cast [harm,nodead] Spell 1; [help,nodead][@player] Spell 2

I told myself: ā€œWith all of this spells and totems itā€™s impossible to failā€ :grin:

So the Headless Horseman comes and I start pumping damage on him while healing.
I was rocking and having fun than we got the last phase and I didnā€™t anticipated the enormous amount of damage that was incoming in that phase (Pumpkins swarm) to the tank and kept pumping damage. Than when I looked: the Tank was dead :open_mouth:
I had negected the most important thing a healer has to do: keep everyone alive :clown_face:
It seems Shamans are not as good on direct heals as Paladins, Priests and Monks or HoT like Druids but Totem positioning in the right time, in the right place. They have so many of them that I get lost sometimes :tired_face:



Blizzard removed the Mage Blink shortcut in Azjol-Nerub. Technically it was a glitch exploit, but come on. That bug was 14 years old at this point and should have been considered a feature in that dungeon.


Rommath not having an original model like Lorā€™themar :frowning: