😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Keeping up the lie’s i see.

you seem to think i lie mate that is a you problem 

magpies did happen bud

i only counted 17 but there could of been more honestly was just a quick count.

i have not lied about nothing.

not my problem you find it that unbelievable.

You have answered me twice so i am clearly not on ignore so that is a lie and a you problem and making yourself look bad and cringe.

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i can answer you as much as i like bud
 cause you keep spreading complete lies about me yourself. https://imgur.com/a/2TiZ5Iv

So i am not on ignore then so a blatant lie right there and i will never be a bud,pal or mate of yours ever period so give up trying to act a alpha male.

Regarding magpie’s i suggest you read up and learn about there habits.

Either im on ignore or not at this point nobody on these forums take you serious with the amount of rubbish you come out with. I mean come on punching through a metal door :rofl:

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If a poster is ignored their posts are simply hidden from sight, and you can view them with a click.

I do feel bad for posting this one. Feels like naming and shaming to me :frowning_with_open_mouth:

that is how im replying to them 
 they are the same person as couple of those already on my ignore and they know it tbh.

i’ll take the hit for it . if so

they were asking for proof though.

So basically he is an attention seeking troll who tells big lie’s okay thank all i need to know.

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If we just posted by bnet ID like all the other Blizz forums, blocking others would easier and we wouldn’t have people having conversations with themselves on alts or upvoting themselves etc xD


i wish that was the case


i imagine some people would change attitudes overnight if that happened.

But it is! ^^
Don’t listen to the rich saying money won’t buy you happiness.
TL3 is awesome and you should feel bad for not having it.

Also no one checks out videos. gif or jpeg is where it’s at!

Unrelated related, stupid reply system -.-


To be fair i usually just lurk the forums but this poster is a meme, never seen anyone ignore so many posters then still answer them and plays the victim. Sorry to ruin your thread btw i just can not abide liar’s.

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you need better bait words.

you sound a lot like sonofmogin “LIARRRR LIAAARRRR”

impressive 8 times you used the same bait word “liar/lies”

Three more Rated Solo queue games, three more leavers after the 5th. That is seven in a row. I guess I am stuff at two choices from the Vault (and 1910 rating)

Not going to bother again until Blizzard do something to stop this, it is not right the game gets nullified by an intentional leaver

I must confess, I did it on the velf Dunkiee for fun (back then, I sort of treated her and my main like the angel vs devil)

but that is really cringe :rofl::rofl:


Not a bait word just saying what you are which you can not face the truth about, many lairs dislike being caught out and told the truth of there actions.

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i actually have 7 other alts i regularly post on can you guess them ?

(i don’t actually
 im not that sad
 that is a lie just for KanrĂ©thĂĄd :wink: 

im Neutral good + Lawfull neutral. :rofl:

Neutral Good, Chaotic Good and Chaotic Neutral here :sweat_smile:

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Sounds reasonable, not sure if we could still show alts transmog in the transmog thread. :thinking:

Also wonder if those with multiple accounts would use that tactic instead ?

On topic, just completed the BFA assault in Voldun and I am never gonna do that one again.

Many Fine Heroes - Siege weapons destroyed - Shandris and Umbric fight for about 2 seconds and run back. Kelsey decides to pull extra Horde in addition to the crowd already smacking my panda hunter

I managed to get it done, but it was a rubbish experience. :nauseated_face: :frowning_face: