šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Another try on Rated Solo Queue ā€“ 2 more games, two more leavers at game 5. I am sure people are trolling nowā€¦ That is 9 in a row without a result. I just need 300 more honor for the third box on Wednesday, that is all.

Second one (I know they have a right to be there) but people who make no effort to get gear when hitting 60 and queuing for PvPā€¦

There are sub ilvl 120s all over the place tonight in BGs, EBGs. Makes it very hard to do anything but quickly lose.

I spent yesterday going through my Addons trying to find out what was causing a repeated ā€œPlayer name blahblahblah is not onlineā€ message that was making the game unplayable, eventually sorting it so I thought.

Today, as Iā€™m literally about to start the anniversary quests, it starts again. Guess Iā€™m probably going to spend another day trying to fix things instead of playingā€¦

People joining a +27 and not knowing how to press their stuns or interrupts.

make a 120 ilvl char yourself and join the fun ā€¦ eventually they will be the norm!

No time to play atm, since holidays are over :frowning_face:
I only had time to check the AH, yesterday before I hit the bed.


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Got all the way to Yogg-Saron in my incessant hunt for mounts only to find Ulduar had switched to Normal. I went back out changed back to Heroic, re-entered and it was Normal again. I then read somewhere that itā€™s only normal and there isnā€™t a heroic version. So how is it that the info for a chance Mimiron might drop is that you need to be heroic no watchers. No watchers easy. Heroic apparently not possible.
Very grumpy.

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Let me quote myself:

The mount drop requires hardmode, not Heroic. :wink:


Itā€™s both the 10 man and 25 man. Loot is also combined ever since it became a Timewalk Raid. So Normal and Heroic Ulduar are both and the same.

There never has been a heroic Ulduar just hard modes.

The early Wrath 25 man raids were called Heroic. 10 man was Normal. When 3.2 came aling, it introduced the actual first Heroic difficulty. Trial of the Crusader. Heroic version was the Trial of the Grand Crusader.

No they were not bad w/e Ulduar had only hard modes.

I honestly donā€™t remember them being called Hc and Nm, it was 10 and 25 man. I do remember Hard Modes esp telling people not to talk to the wrong NPCs or push the red button!

It is true that with the introduction of TW Ulduar, the 10 and 25 man difficulties were removed. So it should just be one now. All the loot from both instances can drop as well.

I remember because I painstakingly did a lot of the 10 and 25 man achievements and lost the points with their removal :laughing:

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The confusion about whether or not Ulduar ever had a Heroic version can be explained as so:
When we first got raids of multiple ā€œdifficultiesā€ AKA (N)10 and (N)25 raid sizes back in WotLK, the two versions was at least unofficially among the playerbase called ā€˜normalā€™ and ā€˜heroicā€™. This applies for The Obsidian Sanctum, Naxxramas, The Eye of Eternity, and Ulduar, and can be observed in the comments for items related to the respective raids on Wowhead.

The following raids, starting with Trial of the Crusader, did introduced the actual Heroic difficulty with H10 and H25 in addition to the N10 and N25.

Maybe that only happened on specific realms. Iā€™ve never heard them referred to anything other than the size.

I thought I saw a post saying Evoker would be on the 9thā€¦ set an alarm for the weekly reset time so Iā€™d know to drop what I was doing to start playing WoW. Apparently either my memory or the post was wrong because it is the 16th. Was so confused when there was no option to make a dragon and then sad when I realized the release being today was just a brain fart :frowning:


Maybe you thought it was the third week rather than after the third week?

One more week to go!

To me thatā€™s when prepatch finally starts. Iā€™ve just been playing OW mostly instead of WoW :laughing:

It indeed doesnā€™t seem to be that common, but it happened and I can understand why.

From how veteran players described 10 and 25-mans when they came in WotLK, 10 was tuned to be an easier version for less experienced raiders, while 25 was tuned to be harder. So given that we already had Normal and Heroic dungeons at that point, it is understandable that some players also used this about the raids as they certainly was tuned for different difficulties.

About 10- and 25-man raid tuning, here from 5:15 and onwards:

Ok, I get what everyoneā€™s saying ā€¦ but can someone confirm that, despite what everything says, Mimiron can drop from Yogg-Saron 25 no watchers? And it canā€™t drop from Y-S 10?

There are no distinct 10/25-man, only a new N10 with all loot from the previous N10 and N25.

Mimironā€™s Head can still drop from N10 Yogg-Saron with hardmode (no watchers). I just got my mount one month ago.

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