😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

It’s technically not a 10 man raid, but a flex raid just like non mythics after SoO. When you solo them it shows as a 10 man raid because that’s the lowest it can scale to.

It’s one instance now, no variations so it should drop Mim’s head :slight_smile:


Nah, I didn’t even know / notice the patches were that far apart at all. My concept of time is very hazy at best.

All I’ve really done in WoW was fight with the new UI. Finally got it to a decent shape last night so I can actually play now without being annoyed and having to stop and adjust something. Maybe I’ll hibernate until next week to save energy. It is cold and there was snow this morning and it makes me want to hide in bed.

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how bad MM is currently in prepatch and in beta and it doesnt look like blizzard have any intention of fixing it :frowning:

Speaking of Ulduar: Blizzard still haven’t fixed the hardmode loot for Hodir, Thorim, and Freya. :tired_face:

And yes, I have been reporting it weekly on the nine characters still grinding the place.

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I had two rough pulls where I just kept missing against a couple troll enemies in STV. My weapon skill’s up to date and they were my level, but it still doesn’t feel nice to see 4 parries in a row, especially on your big hitter :sweat:

Forgot to pick up Kirin Tor’s weekly raid quest on my Druid. :tired_face:

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Some of the strange scaling in Shadowlands while levelling yesterday.

I know there are spears, but 100K mobs seems a bit high. :grimacing:

It’s not, don’t worry :slightly_smiling_face: they’ll die fast and you need to kill only 3 of them.

Thanks :hugs:, but I was in Threads rather than the levelling path on this char. I kept my distance just in case. :smile:

I seem to lost the interest/hype for WoW atm. I haven’t logged in more then 1-3 hour the last month. But maybe it returns when pre-patch phase 2 comes 16/11. I was infinitely more hyped for both Bfa and SL when they came out!

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Trying to level my followers at the covenant command table and why the fudge does it have to go so slow!?
I will be halfway through DF before I get those mounts!

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The Moonkin festival is ending soon, and I am too busy grinding the Anniversary world bosses for transmogs to enjoy the micro holiday.

Well it was yesterday - helped a guildie level up a couple of keys, then we hit GD 7 - that key was a nightmare, we quit it in the end. was good fun though

The fact its the last few xp days and I have covid on my bday & dont feel like playing :frowning:

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im levelling one toon in classic areas. at 27th level (strating from 0). levelling in classic is almost broken. scaling isnt perfect and frustrating. And full of nonsense. A pity.

Happy birthday!
Be gentle with yourself. Covid can be really crap.


Be strong! and happy birthday!

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Thanks guys :hugs:

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