šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

didnt buy the expansion in the endā€¦

i bought warhammer40k : darktide


sad times where a wow expansion is not a instant buy anymore.

happy birthdayā€¦ just got over covid too ā€¦

heres a solid tipā€¦

once the cold symptoms disappear make sure to change your bed sheetsā€¦

you will recover fasterā€¦

from me to you from experiencing it 4 times now.

EDIT: i didnt change my bed sheets this time forgotā€¦ ended up with chest problems for 2 weeks longer than usual ā€¦

soon as i changed them last nightā€¦

i woke up this morning feeling 100% again.

i think the virus lives on those sheets as you sleep ā€¦ and stays thereā€¦ making you worse if u sleep on them.

my dad did the same and he also pretty much instantly recovered.

needs to be changed when the main cold symptoms are out your system thoughā€¦ (not the cough the cough stays longer anyway,)

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4 times? Once was enough for me. Worst part when I got it is that I had to get someone else to take my father to the hospital for an operation.


could of been 5 timesā€¦ but one of the time was before the pandemic actually started officiallyā€¦ in the DEC just as it was being put on the newsā€¦

not sure if that was covid though ā€¦

but the other 4 times was definitely as i lost my smell and taste every timeā€¦

if u survive it once u pretty much dont have to worry about it anymore imoā€¦ im also unvaccinated.

well unvaccinated as in the last one i had was over 9 months agoā€¦ stopped having vaccines after the second one. people are on 4 or 5 vaccines now here.

First time here. Itā€™s the body pain thatā€™s killing me.


the key to dealing with covid is punching holes in metal doorsā€¦ if you ask me personally


the aching ?

or the chest pain ?.. the chest pain is pretty awful if u get that.

depends how long you have had it tbhā€¦

the aching usually comes pretty early on with the fever ā€¦ feeling cold when its hot etcā€¦ feeling cold but still sweatingā€¦

the chest pain is usually one of the last things i got which happens after the isolation period is over.

EDIT: i had a new symptom last time i caught it ā€¦

loss of hearingā€¦ i had a hearing test at work and my hearing ability apparently dropped significantly while i was in early transmission.

thankfully the hearing has came back since.

i wondered if there was water build up in my head causing pressure or something like thatā€¦ as me and my dad both also developed pretty bad toothaches as well ā€¦ and while he had a intense headacheā€¦ i had a very heavily feeling of pressure on my head like i was under water in a air bubble.

My whole body hurts, snotty nose. No temp yet and a mild cough/sore throat so far.

On the plus side everyone in the house seems to be getting it within a day of each other.


early days yet then :slight_smile:

the aching for me at least usually only lasts a day or twoā€¦

i suggest sleeping it off ā€¦

hope you get better soon anyway ^^

make sure to keep eating too even if you do not feel like itā€¦

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i developed another imposter on the forumsā€¦ i feel like gizmo and water


That 40% health change thatā€™s relegated my intended main from S tier healer to bottom of the stack.


First season hasnā€™t even started and theyā€™ve busted Mistweaver down from ā€˜fun and strongā€™ to ā€˜funā„¢ but now struggles in higher keys when the party damage happens and basically canā€™t do anything in PvPā€™.

Hoping for some tuning before DF actually rolls out because I canā€™t handle another season of being the bottom tier healer, waiting 8 months to see if the next patch fixes my class. Iā€™ve had enough of those over the past 4 years. If my desired spec remains poor at launch, then itā€™s reroll or quit.

Iā€™d rather stick to MW, but thatā€™s where Iā€™m at with the game now. I donā€™t want to have to work twice as hard as other players for the same performance.

Seeing the same person derail and ruin threads over and over just because they have to be the centre of attention and arenā€™t happy if not, they have to pick arguments which leads to threads being closed :angry:


hey afenton i said what needed to happen ā€¦ no one listenedā€¦

that guy is still unflaggedā€¦

not my problemā€¦ you all enabled this with inaction.

i have absolutely nothing to lose ā€¦

EDIT: thread wont be closed anywayā€¦ chances are i wont get banned eitherā€¦

if i do no biggy either way lol.

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So much this, how that person can not feel embarrassed with the drama and lieā€™s they make i can not fathom.


Sorry to hear you have Covid, it is horrible, nuisance disease.

At least it should guarantee a Covid free Christmas, take care and get well soon. :heart:


Ruining other player experience in forum isnt your problem. Bravo.


you ruined your own experience by not flagging the troll.

but sure point the finger at me if it makes you feel easier.

i can take it :slight_smile:

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the abilty to lock ur exp has been removed today no more level 58 twinks :frowning:
i belive blizzard hates my level 58 twinks :rofl:

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