😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

It’s lovely to see so many doing the Pandaria World Bosses but it’s a bit strange how the protection has been removed for tagging. It goes live and BAM we’re off. Tag it or miss out. They have more health but still die pretty fast.

When Sha gives you transmog instead of a mount :rofl:

At 20+ chars so far and no mounts :face_holding_back_tears:

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She is not amused…


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Guess it’s that ilvl bug many peeps talk about, right?

Yeah, the BoE that previously was ilvl 33 and required lvl 24 is now upscaled to ilvl 66.

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Attempting to do an assault in Tiragarde last night with a friend. (They were at max level) There wasn’t much time left and it took two of us 3-4 mins to kill ONE mob. :astonished:

That was after I got to it. A trash mob was hooking my char back and THAT took ages to kill with help. It would have been quicker to die and rez to escape … :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Gave up in the end, it wasn’t worth it.

still no duck as hunter pets even they adding ducks to wow :frowning:
why blizzard ?

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The amount of Ls I have been taking since I came back in September is epic :frowning_face:

Plan 1: level up as many levels as I can before going on holidays in October.
Just 1 level in all 25 characters :frowning_face:

Plan 2: Level everyone to 60 in 3 weeks holidays. That was a complete fail :frowning_face:
Only got to level 53/54.

Plan 3: gear up everyone in pre-patch event. Another fail :frowning_face:
I only got a BE Hunter and Warrior at level 60. The Warrior has all the plate transmog pieces from the vendor unlocked but the Hunter doesn’t.
I will now have to gather the currency from the other characters I’m leveling in order to get the remaining Mail, Leather and Cloth transmogs/gear set I need.
The other 2 characters I’m focusing on are a BE Monk and a BE Mage.

Plan 4: level 23 characters to 60 and do the Uldaman quest. Probably another L :frowning_face:

Edit: another L :frowning_face:
With the stats nerf the level 50+ gear I had in store for my Alts is pretty much useless now and I have tons of it.


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lols on wekends i used to play 60 hrs stright cant do that nowdays :rofl:

Don’t think the dragons are for me, did the final quest at Stormwind and got the ability to show my human side. Pressed the button to fly. crashed into the roof of the castle, froze the screen and had to ctl-alt-del. out of game.


blizzard effed the character restoration buttom

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  • can’t enchant on vellums still since reset, it’s Saturday.
  • all the lvl 50 greens and blues I still had for sale are now essentially useless, expected but still annoying.
  • scaling in levelling dungeon is so broken that I may as well AFK on my lvl 40-60 alts I was going to level and let the level 14 mage just solo the dungeon
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Re the vellum, this is a blue post from a thread about it in the CS forum:


Leveled a character to 60 via BFA dungeons yesterday. There’s a bug that if a high level character is in the group (compared to the old level 50 scaling), legacy loot rules are enabled. So my hunter looted cloth and leather gear.

Also the new ilvl curve is broken. I’ve had level 10s in there with half the ilvl they should have and that wasn’t fun. In my case thank goodness I have heirlooms.

I’m having the worst luck with the MoP World Bosses.

Upcoming Class Tuning on Weekly Reset - AoE Target Soft Caps Added, Arms Warrior Buffs

realy no one wants target caps in game not even soft caps :frowning:

6 characters got to level 60 and done the Uldaman quest :smile:
19 more to go :sob:



You can do it

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i running out of alts