šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

set myself up to kill Sha. Sha appears, fps drops to nil could not hit, Sha dies. This happened 3 times, gave up

If you have the corgi goggles toy use it!! I have similar issue on primal bosses but turning everyone into corgiā€™s seems to help a little and I can get at least one hit in to tag it.

The toy is also on a 90 second cooldown for the anniversary event


not really wow relatedā€¦

But i recently spent Ā£50 on a new game againā€¦ and i havent even played it yetā€¦

this is probably the 7th time this year i bought a new game and didnt even load it upā€¦

maybe i am done with gamingā€¦


i think my mind is heavily on other things these days and gaming just doesnt fill that gap like it used to ā€¦

sad times.

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thanks will try that

That is what book hoarders do, itā€™s called a TBR pile.

You have a TBP pile (To Be Played), itā€™s all good.

I have my own TBR and TBP pile, growing fine, and someday I might get through it.

Keep going :sparkles:

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The game completely freezing at event world bosses is the most annoying thing in the history of the Milky Way.

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Exactly. I have a TBR 4 shelf bookcase.
I probably have a couple of TBP games but donā€™t have the time to play them.

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i have over 300 TBP gamesā€¦ and there only grows more.

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nice blizzard

They havenā€™t and wonā€™t fix the non responsive UI and NPC bug. They have no information about it anywhere online about it.

Iā€™ve barely finished my DK today and completed my 1 character a day minimum.
Time is running and I will have to leave characters behind, which is a shame.
I wish I could take a second period of holidays but I canā€™t :frowning_face:


My TL3 fell off mid-post.

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Hopefully youā€™ll gain it back quickly

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Thanks. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Were it on me, youā€™d permanently have it.

(Mother of gifs, start working already!)

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No option to have my alt be a non-binary, superposition, zero dipole moment dwarf paladin. I mean, screw the game, I just want to see that option.

Getting away from gaming and its associated toxicity is a good thing.

The forum can be an absolute cesspit at times.

Real life can be a total mess too.

People are usually the problem in bothā€¦

If politicians spent as much time solving problems as constantly arguing ALLā€¦ THEā€¦ [Redacted]ā€¦ TIMEā€¦ something might actually improve.

I am fed up with it all atm.


Itā€™s kinda annoying that if I want to enter the proving grounds as an evoker I need to either have a garrison or go all the way to the Temple of the White Tiger.

Also trying to see how far I could soar from Hyjal, I hit the skybox of Ashenvale, got disconnected and couldnā€™t log in that character again for like 15 minutes.

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Thereā€™s a reason I donā€™t care about it, generally both (or all) sides are dirty in a way and try to appear as a saint.

We even have this saying that every saintā€™s hand points toward oneselfā€¦ :rofl: not sure how exactly itā€™s supposed to be said in English, cba to look it up (maybe Iā€™ll do and edit this post).

Theyā€™d rather get paid for wasting time than problem solving.