šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

The World Bosses in Pandaria still donā€™t want to give me any mounts


Seen 2 guild members get a mount now, no luck yet for me though. :sweat_smile:

Stay positiveā€¦

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So many friends are getting drops, itā€™s lovely to see. I think Iā€™m cursed, running on the old drop rates still :laughing:


Lol, it can feel like that. :stuck_out_tongue: Seen someone loot the Solar Spirehawk now and Iā€™m almost out of characters for the week.

Also I am too lazy to farm bonus rolls I admit which probably doesnā€™t help.

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Itā€™s been far too time consuming running through 50+ chars let alone go and farm coins on them as well.


Uldaman Dungeon still not re-filling when people leaveā€¦ it is the simple things Blizzard, get them right pleaseā€¦ I dont care about about flashy stuff like Dragon Flying if you cannot get the basic gaming working.

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donā€™t know if its true but i am hearing on forums that there is nothing to gain in the open world content in DF besides cosmetic stuff, if thatā€™s the case a lot of casuals are going to quit me included not all of us like that part of the game.

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No announced weekend m+ on the beta.

Genn Greymane.

He made me frown yesterday too! AND the day before that! Damn Gennā€¦


TBC intro quests (Shattrath, Caverns of Time) make me wish I could /follow NPCs.


The removal of the timer on the character restoration button is spinning me out. I was super excited about getting home from work tonight and restoring my Warriorā€¦button is still grey outā€¦was it tonight?..is it tomorrow?..apparently only the Gods have the answer to this questionā€¦

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Itā€™s annoying, I wish it would come back.

It just unlocked! Dwarf Warrior incoming!


ā€œThis wonā€™t take long.ā€

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Iā€™m completely exhausted from going to work and get home and push for another character to level up :yawning_face:

Yesterday even though it was my Orc Hunter (3rd Hunter) turn, I ended up leveling my BE Priest (2nd Priest).
This time unfortunately the currency she got was used to make up for what my BE Hunter (1st Hunter) didnā€™t had: armour, necklace and rings.
At least the Priest still got a nice pair of shoes from the dungeon and the weapon reward.

Next one is my Tauren DK (2nd DK).
DKs are much easier to gear up.
Only 1 handed weapon for both Unholy and Blood spec, they bring their own weapon enchant and do very good AOE which is ideal for tagging event mobs.


With all new systems coming in the phasing and sharding still kills the game. Every area is empty. Everywhere. People that stand in capital hubs donā€™t count because there is no interaction anymore.

I flew to the highest point on top of Castle Nathria on my regular mount as Dracthyr. I was getting ready to Soar across Revendreth and show my friends the power of the Dragon people. I prepared myself, took flight, then immediately landed on an invisible platform and had to wait 4 minutes, because apparently something went wrong with Neltharionā€™s creation process of these flightless winged beasts.

Today I decided to level up my DH, level 55 as my last character since I had loads of iLV229 leather armor stored in Bank waiting for her to hit level 60.

I looked at the clock and it was like 5 hours till midnight.
So I went to bed to rest for less than an hour as I was exhausted from work.
After that it was grinding time after 3 hours, more than 300 badges after, I hit level 60.
Went to my bank characters got the gear and weapons, enchanted, put gems and I was ready to go, with 1 hour midnights.
After like 10 minutes the dungeon finally pops up and ā€¦ I was in a BFA dungeon. I had clicked in LFD :clown_face:
Got out with 30 minutes dungeon deserter.
Went and spend the rest of the badges buying ring, trinkets and capes for my main characters.
Came back and this time I checked Uldaman.
Everything was going smooth, we had killed some bosses, only 2 remaining, I get asked to be traded a Orc player gives me gear he got but didnā€™t needed (Shoulders of the animated stone) and I typed: Thank you, in chat.

Than ā€¦ the internet in my house went down :scream:
I try to connect again but nothing :rage:
Eventually I gave up and with less than 10 minutes to midnight I decided to connect to my phone network :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

I managed to get back again to WoW and get in to another group in Uldaman but the lag on the phone net was driving me crazy :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
Luckily I managed to switch back to the home network and reconnect back to the group I was. I received the same exact shoulders as reward this time and a trinket (Homeland raid horn).

In the end I canā€™t complain as I managed to do 2 runs in Uldaman.
I just feel bad for teh 4 players I left behind when I got disconnected from the Internet :frowning_face:
I hope they made it.

Out of 25 characters I wanted to level to 60 and gear up with the event 5 got the complete set of armor, weapon from Uldaman, rings trinket and cape. 9 got the armor and the weapon from Uldaman. 3 got to 60 but they only have the Uldaman weapon and 8 are still at level 54/55. Not bad, it could had been worse :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Now let DF come :partying_face:

Edit: the internet went down again and I couldnā€™t finish my post, so I had to redo the final part again.

Cheers :clinking_glasses:


Finding out the next trial of style is months away :frowning_face:

Transmog from level 54 up is so expensive.
I guess, my characters will have to go like in the time before Transmogs were introduced :pensive:

Luckily the ILV 229 gear and the armour from the vendor event are very nice :slightly_smiling_face:
Unfortunately the homogeneity look of this outfits got ruined in some characters because I mixed pieces from Uldaman with their outfits :frowning_face:


I hate dragon riding. I didnā€™t like it in testing and I still donā€™t like it now itā€™s gone live.

I know everyone else loves it but I really just want my regular flying back.