😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Time to grab a goblin character (because of maximum discount) and go buy the mammoth (the one with vendors) in WotLK Dalaran then. Costs a bit, but you should be able to pay for it with any character you’ve played extensively during the last expansion or even this one; I have around 30K on this character just from casual play.

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for some reason i can’t unlock the obsidian citadel , i spoke to the dragon that asked you if you wanted to skip the quests, i said no wanting to do the quests for renown and now i can’t unlock it.

I spent two hours queueing as dps the other day, then a friend joined me as tank and we got in insta.

You know WoW has people playing who have difficulties with this through no fault of their own? Who have enjoyed the game for years and suddenly the game has been turned upside down for them, including those with sight issues?


There is a need by some to be snide to others who don’t enjoy or like a feature.

Whilst dragon riding is undoubtably the king of fast it’s not all that practical for doing other tasks.

I’m not a fan myself but I can totally appreciate that others love and adore it. I miss the precision and practical use of a regular flying mount. I don’t really care about fast flappy boi but I use it because it’s the only mode we can have.


Skill issue tbh.

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I’m not a big fan of dragon-riding in dungeons.

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I remembered that Blizzard are insane, mindlessly progressive, and shamelessly money hungry.

It made me sad.


Also an age issue. Older brains/eyes can’t think/see as quickly.
I’m struggling with it, but not quite so much as my drakthyr’s flying abilities 
 or non-abilities in my case.


I don’t personally struggle with it, I just don’t like it as a mechanic. I don’t enjoy flying this way and it’s certainly not as practical.


How is bad eyesight a skill issue really grow up and have empathy for other’s who have disabilities.


Or aren’t good at it as it seems.



Given everything else the game throws at you if you could cope before you can cope now.

Skill issue.

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It may be a skill issue for some, but not for everyone. Take note of people explaining why it’s hard for them.


I don’t watch clickbait, what does he actually say? (usually has nothing to do with the title)

not realy clickbait when talking about how muth damage SL did to wow 

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I ran outta stuff to do.


start to fish in DF zone

From my experience pretty much any Bellular video is clickbait.

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If you can play the rest of the game without being able to see, you can dragonride.

Come up with a valid reason.