😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

i calling it mumling when u talk about other stuff then ur ment to :smiley:

No really you cannot there is nothing like it in game at all nothing remotely close to it so stop saying a disability is a skill issue.


60 fishing so far.

Fishing is profitable
 but boring.

I’m mostly blind and can dragonride.

Got another friend with some severe eye scarring so everything’s a blur and he can still dragonride.

So what’s this about blaming vision?


Myself i have no issue’s at all but the huge difference is i do not see blindness as a skill issue people should have a choice but i can see you are to ill educated to understand that.


So because you friend can do it everyone can do it ? am i dealing with people who do not understand others needs and think its a skill issue and everyone can do it. Lack of people skills sorry for you.


I’m saying it’s not a problem for either of us.

If it’s someone you know, them have them ride along with you.

If it’s you, find someone to ride along with. It’s literally no different than regular flying mounts except you can control the speed. Don’t dive so far if you don’t want to go so fast.

I have some issues getting up on the top of rocks in waking shores sometimes, but that’s about it. And there’s ways of dealing with it. I can’t see more than a couple meters in front of my face worth a crap. My left eye doesn’t work at all. Been on a disability pension my entire life. when you can’t see well, you make do with it the best you can, and you don’t use it as a crutch for everything.


Were i get annoyed is people saying its a skill issue when it is not. I call them ill educated and unhelpful because thats what they are.
I can not see the harm in others having a choice to have normal riding at all but when you get people who repeatedly say “skill issue” just means they are trolling.

You dont need to do quests to learn normal riding though do you so its not the same if you can not see the hoop’s. But w/e done with people who are selfish and cant look at others needs.


Wait, wait, wait. So the issue is this supposed blind person you made up can’t do quests???

Did you even read the riding threads and see others posts about there issue’s its not a made up problem at all but you are just here to troll just like the other poster you both lack empathy and education to understand others needs.


I’m telling you, an actual RL friend of mine sees nothing but smears and managed to unlock dragon riding.

Are you talking about the races? Because I don’t remember hoops on the unlock, only the races, and the races are optional.


And i am telling you not everyone is your friend there is others on this forum who have issues deal with it or move on stop trolling just because of your 1 friend.


So you make up a bunch of stuff about blind people not being able to dragonride.

Someone calls you out and you accuse them of trolling? Amazing.


Ah i see both AD players i will bow out of this thread, you two are beyond trolling now.You can not even understand not everyone is the same shame you lack any compassion for others welcome both to ignore.


that was probably me

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Please don’t tar all Argent Dawn players with the same brush, we are not all like that


they added a timegated flying system to Dragonflight :frowning:


You don’t mean the twenty minutes it takes to max out dragonriding I take it?

u cant perm fly with it as normal flying 

Bandages doesn’t work on H10 Valithria Dreamwalker. :expressionless: