šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

AD gets a very bad rep, and I donā€™t blame you. But some of the best and friendliest people I met play on AD.

Every tree has the good and bad apples.

Cheers :clinking_glasses:


canā€™t find mineing nods anywhere add more mineing nods blizzard !!

Needing to spend 10k anima on a Venthyr armor ensemble to get a nice chest mog for my new rogue, while also needing 74 renown.

Venthyr was the only covenant I didnā€™t do with a leather wearerā€¦ this wonā€™t be an easy grindā€¦ :frowning_with_open_mouth:

venthyr dark ranger rogue is good combo yes :stuck_out_tongue:

Kinda miss the lack of straight forward dailies or just simple world quests we used to have.


Allied races being an absolute P.I.T.A to unlock. Came back to the game after a 4 year hiatus, wasted hours unlocking Loremaster of Kul Tiras and The Pride of Kul Tiras only to be rewarded withā€¦ no Kul Tirans. I got to sit through a cutscene where they join the Alliance. Iā€™m just not allowed to play them because I didnā€™t do the war campaign years ago.

I still have played no Dragonflight content since the expansion went live. Damn you, real life, and all your adult responsibilities! *shakes fist at the sky*


you are not alone brother/sister.

I too have no played Dragonflight, at least not in the proper way. I played it on a friendā€™s computer and only for less than an hour.

I dont have the time currently due to stressful work to catch up on, and im also saving up some money as well since im planning on buying Hogwarts Legacy too. So many good games to play! hopefully soon.


:pensive: Sigh, the game has finally no borrowed power and people are complaining they have nothing to do.

Finally the Horde has a truce with the Alliance and some people are claiming they miss the conflict.

It seems for me itā€™s better to enjoy every minute of this expansion while it lasts :pensive:



Donā€™t really get that part either, there is plenty to do.

Do wish it was a little more clear where :laughing: Iā€™ve been spoiled all these years with simple directions and now I feel like a dumdum.

Bad enough the crafting system is making my eyes glaze over.


Iā€™ve lost interest in playing already, hit 70, not interested in finishing the zone quest for campaign. Dungeons seem just dull, barely any interesting boss mechanics.
Got no intention of wasting time with the new profession system, just added grind for no reason, disliked the old 3 star recipes , adding in quality upgrading just puts me off even more.
Even the classes dont appeal to me. Played non stop since wrath, ive not enjoyed an expansion now since Warlords. Too much of the spells and animations are sharing animations now and just makes everything looks the same. Like hitting multiple spells on paladin, it just does the same sword in the air animation and just looks boring.

Game doesnt even feel rewarding, spent all this week smashing out dungeon after dungeon trying to hit 342ilvl as a tank, to barely even get a single piece of loot, did 4 dungeons in a row and all i got was the silly dragonriding customising bits.
Hardly rewarding me for playing. Especially when i cant stand being forced to be dragonriding, 400+ mounts just including some amazing flying mounts just being wasted doing nothing. Plus it constantly bugs out and has been facing backwards or sideways after i land and facing the wrong wayā€¦

So alot makes me frown today, as the game i once loved, i dont anymore.


I was praising the Dragthyr in the wheelchair for the positive inclusion and some guy in my guild told me dragons wouldnā€™t even actually need a wheelchair because they have wings and if they needed their legs then all wind serpents in the game would have been in wheelchairs. Sick of the disablist attitude of some people in this community :rage:

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Pretty frustrated at the mining nodes in the middle of cliffs that you canā€™t reach

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Someone whispered me Iā€™ve got a nice mount when I boarded the zeppelin to Waking Shores on an altā€¦ but then they were kind of passive aggressive and told me it was their exā€™s favorite too at which point it got awkward :eyes:


Goodness meā€¦
That is awkward, really, what the fugglesā€¦
Maybe they need to come off the game, eat some ice cream, binge watch net flix just come out of circulation a bit until the bitterness fadesā€¦

I hope it didnā€™t scar you too much!!


No, it was just really weird and unexpected :slightly_smiling_face:


Nobody buying my linen cloth I have bought like half a million from the AH.


blizzard keeps nerfing the classes i am playing it has happend now 3 times already less then 1 month

The lag in the AH! I think i make a nice deal and after 30-50 sec - Not available :frowning:

Trying to get the hang of the crafting setup to get that craft 5 item quest done - finally figured you have to go to a crafting table and not to the crafting orders place, only after putting 5 orders in to which someone made for me - very sweet but was not the quest :disappointed:
ā€¦ at the crafting table, clicked on public and there is literally nothing there for me to make at all - I popped back later and tried again to be told I couldnā€™t as has maxed it the day
Plus my LW is stuck at skill 64 and nothing new to make/ skill upā€¦
ā€¦ role on another day and try again