šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Them not fixing divine toll.

A dragon-riding circuit which goes much too close to the ground so I keep colliding with it. Tried so many times today that my dragonā€™s gone on strike with a sore head. Just frowning with frustration.


(classic) Getting into that tedious phase of tailoring where you need copious amounts of both frostweave and infinite dust.

Technically yesterday but bored at work NOW.

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Finally fished up a recipe in a bottleā€¦ and of course it was a shield design, the cheapest of them all (Cooking recipe collector here)
At least it covered ~7 marks for dragon boiz, they are just 1200 gold and slowly getting chepaerā€¦ still almost 2 key wort, so not a totall lost
But something for 30-50K profit would have been nicer

Prices of frostweave on AH.
One would think that with everyone chilling (heh) in Northrend these days, the supply would bring the price down.

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Doing Sojourner of the Ohn Aran Plains, Pinewood Post.

Total confusion for ages as the quest line ends and seems to die out.

Finally after much searching discover you have to kill bears to generate a supplementary pop up quest which doesnā€™t automatically appear when youā€™re just progressing the quest.

Ran out of time to pvp:(

Centaur hunt event was buggy and got no chest despite doing it twice - the NPC just disappeared and there wasnā€™t anything added in my bags.

Also unlucky on my first world boss kill :frowning_with_open_mouth:

Healers that are not dpsing when nobody needs healing, not dispelling and not using stuns/CC.

Just healbotting.

Just stop playing a healer.

Sad that the DF campaign is forcing me to go into a dungeon to continue - quest - An ā€œInfusion of materialsā€ wants me to pop into Halls of Infusion dungeon :disappointed_relieved:

I wonā€™t be going in so no further progression with that :disappointed:
ā€¦ I now know how others feel when being forced into content they are not a fan of ā€¦ not going to pug - shame.


A similar discovery today that I canā€™t max out my profession without stuff from the last boss of each mythic dungeon. Sorry Blizz, after being happy with the revamp, Iā€™m now really annoyed that you do this again.


Iā€™m stuck in a corner with Engineering, i want to use bombs (Or ā€œcreature combustion canistersā€ for more cooking mats), but more often than not, they explode in my face, and iā€™m 20 Engineering-levels short of getting into my third profession knowledge tree (In my case ā€œExplosivesā€, so i can put points into reduced chance of bomb failures), so i canā€™t do much new with engineering until i get that level up.

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Fishing netsā€¦:face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Totally agree and to me this is unacceptable as I hate all that is to do with dungeons or raids. If the post from Ananda regarding crafting is true, where you have to obtain materials from mythics, then Iā€™m out of this game.

Edit: Had to add, why did I decide to main a mage? What was I thinking at the time? She is so weak, my warlock is like a caster tank in comparison.


Still not managed to figure out how those blasted things work
Set up one, wait 10 hours, collect the catch, that is the theory
But so far either couldnā€™t find the net I set up, or either it wanshed :unamused:

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The thing I came across today for tailoring was https://www.wowhead.com/item=198059/titan-training-matrix-iv to make items higher level and epic rather than blue. So far as I can see only the final bosses of the dungeons drop them and theyā€™re BoP so no chance to buy on the AH.
There may be other stuff ā€¦ itā€™s just the one I found today.

now thats got me going!! oh, you said fishing nets not fishnets lol


was there nothing said that they also could drop from worldbosses? I tought i red that somewhere. if not thats a bummer

Not if that Wowhead link is correct as the sources are just dungeon bosses.

I got two so far
Both from WQ (but in theory WB could drop them, and even Rares)
Rare when such a WQ is up, but they, exist
So it is possible to level your craft just sloooowwwweeeer than somone who is a regular Myth dungeon dweller
Or use the public order route; let other pay for the mats, including this matrix :eyes:
If you have a guild or web of friends, who have these and donā€™t need them (not crafters themselves nor plan to use them to order because they will gear up with M+ or raid) even better

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Thank you for saying you got them from WQs - just checking that they were the Matrix iv? I guess the information hasnā€™t reached Wowhead yet ā€¦ and I canā€™t do WQs yet because Iā€™m not L70 so havenā€™t been able to test.