šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

It was a reward last week from the Centaur arena fight, the first Iā€™m not sure :sweat_smile:

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I posted a similar complaint about SL hate needing to do dungeon content. Was told on forum I wanted stuff handed on a plate. I donā€™t.


I would have expected something like that. I donā€™t take any notice of the numpty people.

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Iā€™ve just learnt they removed Double Tap from MM hunter. WHAT THE HELL.

WoW DF: pure cringe, I feel utter embarrassment when I play this expansion. I canā€™t really play it sober.


Itā€™s annoying that the nets arenā€™t marked on the minimap, but (After a while of searching), i found the two nets i put there yesterday, so the nets are out there.

Yesterday I finally took the Zeppelin and head off to the Dragon Isles.
Everything was as people told: great.
Scenario, music etc.

But something was different, that was me.
It seems the almost 2 years I spent outside the SL expansion made me lose any appetite for new things. Itā€™s been 4 years since BFA, the last expansion I played and did all the Zandalari story up until the first raid.

I felt a headache when I was questing in SL a few weeks ago, the same headache I felt when I was farming Transmogs in MC a few years ago, the same I felt now.
It seems either my age is catching up or I lost the will to explore.
WoW is the last game I have I play, the rest of the games donā€™t attract me, because I have no desire to try new things.

To anyone reading this, age does take a toll on you despite of whatā€™s been told on forums. If you are under 40s enjoy it while it lasts.


Not sure if this is an unpopular opinion or not but I think Vault is a poor raid so far. :face_with_diagonal_mouth: Done up to the 5th boss but itā€™s failed to impress me, which is a shame because I like the rest of the expansion.

I donā€™t know if itā€™s the raids themselves or me, but the last raid I thought was decent was Castle Nathria and that was in an era where everything else about the game was awful. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think thats the stockholm syndrome talking
During SL Castle was ā€œfunā€, because we not had anything good; everything else was horrible compared to that, we needed the coping mechanism to kick in - thats why the two other raid had 0 chance (they were horrible, but even if they would been good, we wouldnā€™t see it; couldnā€™t. We needed our security blanket and it had to be pure and untouchable)
But looking back or looking with the eyes with someone who never experienced the ā€œtraumaā€ of SL? Holy hell it was a nightmare!
In contrast, DF is awesome, as you siaid the rest of the expansion? It is fantastic thus the bar is quite high and we are not forced to swallow anything less than perfect, we are free to spot the minor flaws, or big ones and not blinded by the ā€œā€¦at least it is not like the restā€ feeling
Vault is fitting in the lore and the story with the heavy elemental and ā€œundergroundā€ theme, it indeed feels like a prison built inside a mountain (not unlike the prisons of the Old Gods) with the bosses, mobs and theme with their mechanics
Just compared to the rest of the vibrant and cool world, it is a bit of an off-note in the choir so to speak

For you, maybe (which is sad) but definitely not for everyone.
An old person x


my neighbors woke me up really early after just finishing two 68 hour back to back shifts in the last two daysā€¦ and playing wow until 5 in the morningā€¦

luckily i only feel tired for the first 3 mins after waking upā€¦ i guess my body eventually got used to itā€¦ i have thought about waking up early my days off as well ā€¦


Had a tank yolo pull half the M+, expectedly die, blame the healer and abandon the key. :expressionless:

Not really wow related but Iā€™m exhausted. Been playing the Sims 4 in my spare time away from work, and itā€™s been fun when it comes to create a sim.

Then when you get to the actual gameplay you find yourself broke, having to fix broken toilets, and changing 2 babies diapers. These things poop a lot.

It not my idea of fun. Hopefully when they grow up the game will be more smooth.

My sim self married a beautiful ginger lady and we have 3 children currently. :partying_face: the wife works, and I change diapers and cook.

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Legacy Content

I frowned today because of all the times recently I am seeing people still talking about how difficult it is to try and solo BfA legacy content STILL.

As a solo/duo player I enjoyed BfA and looked forward for its 2 years to doing the high level stuff afterwards but was then dissapointed when Shadowlands dropped and the legacy handling was changed, so I had to resign myself to an extra 2 years wait. Now, as DF has dropped, I am seeing so many people saying that the scaling has still caused BfA to be difficult to solo that instead of looking forward to it, I am instead dreading trying it because I am half-expecting to discover that I have another 2 years of waiting on my hands, meaning 6 years in total which is quite frankly ridiculous.

So that made me frown today :frowning:

And just to addā€¦ I am a solo/duo player because being a 24/7 carer I am not in a position to group-up (for various associated reasons) and that is my situation and choice. But I dont want this post to end up as a solo-vs-multi argument because thats not the grievance. Sure people point out the "M"ultiplayer aspect of MMORPG and push it as being a requirement, however there is also an ā€œRPā€ in MMORPG and it is never pushed on people that they ā€œhaveā€ to RP in this game. The beauty of WoW is that it (mostly) caters for so many different play-styles and we all get something different out of it that we love, so please lets respect different play-styles and this respect each others grievances too. I am simply wanting to frown at the sad changes to legacy play that I am hearing all too often.



I am so sick of key leavers

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That bug where you dc if you fly into a wallā€¦very annoying.
Just had to use Blizzard help to ā€˜unstickā€™ a character because they were stuck in flight againest a wall meaning I couldnt even log onto the character without instant dc.
Very frustrating if you are herbing or mining as 9 times out of ten you wind up hitting walls trying to get to nodes.

I got a 24 hours Forum ban after replying to a heated debate about lack of content in DF :rage:
Iā€™ve said nothing to offend anyone yet I got suspended.
Apparently some people donā€™t like to be told if they are not doing: PVP , Mithic+, Raids, only play 1 character, they have no reason to complain.
I was ready for a heated debate, but being falsely reported for infringing forum rules wasnā€™t one of them. The reply was immediately removed so none could read it. They didnā€™t even hide it as some posts that get reported but people can still read them if they click : read hidden content.
I made sure to contest the ban and complain about it.
Iā€™ve lost any sympathy I could have had for this people.



Some M+ dungeons are kinda boring and annoying that I donā€™t have any insensitive to play haha. I logged off and went to do something else after two keys.

You must be relatively new to forum suspensions.

There is no real logic to them most the time.

And often the ones reporting are just as guilty of the same things.

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To be honest I have been playing a bit of that too. Good old memories that I have of that time.
Have had and played all, though ā€˜The Sims 3ā€™ was so bad.

Become a writer. Ez money.