šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

ā€¦ is it just me forgetting how to fly on a normal mount after dragon riding ā€¦

I click on my normal flying mount, then click again and immediately dismount ā€¦ forgetting that I donā€™t need to click to go up ā€¦ /doh :flushed:


That happens to me even before Dragonriding. Iā€™m just clumsy.

Canā€™t imagine what will happen after dragonriding.


Dps that are being zug-zugā€™d in solo shuffle and decides to run on top of me.


edit: People using void shift and killing someone.

Yesterday, for some reason I decided I could call my dragon on the drop downā€¦
Sadly it didnā€™t work!!
I stepped off the high ridge, called him, and he politely refusedā€¦I fell to my death. Very red faced I wasā€¦

In my defence, if it had workedā€¦it would have looked awesome!!!


Sounds about right! :smiley:
I just got a message that a comment of mine had been removed for being offensiveā€¦
problem is it didnt tell me which comment. As I never really post anything interesting I have no idea which bland, boring, plain white toast comment I posted that offended someone!!LOL

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what a awsome quest have to kill elite blue dragons with 500K hp and they hit for 50K damage with my undergeared level 69 rogue and they immune to CC :frowning:

I contested the decision immediately as the comment was removed 5 minutes after I posted it.

They sent me an e-mail after a while, with the deleted comment.
The e-mail your account WoW account is registered.

I hope that helped.

Half hour flasks

im not able to find a single forsaken rogue on silermooonā€¦ (ok i know is an alliance server)

I tried Holyadin after a long hiatus, and even by doing my dps rotation in the open world, let alone healing, I run oom quickly.

Normally Iā€™d be okay as a mainly Classic player with this butā€¦ this is NOT Classic.

I wouldnā€™t dare step foot into a normal dungeon, let alone a key, when Holy Shock costs almost 6k and Crusader Strike 3.5k manaā€¦ at least the latterā€™s mana cost should be decreased.

On top of that, they feel weak even when dpsing. I barely did 5k dmg or 6ā€¦

Angry player Monday.

Someone who absolutely foamed at the mouth because we didnā€™t skip in Freehold.

Someone else in an M+ who told the healer he had to focus and do moreā€¦. while doing barely any DPS, 2 total interrupts in the whole run, and took the most damage after the tank.

Someone else who died in Gnomeregan because they ninja pulled, cussed the tank out for it, then left.

Being a melee healer in an anti-melee friendly expansion.


The inevitable, piece-by-piece retirement of my brutal gladiator set that carried me (or at least, allowed me to comfortably coast) all the way to 80.

which realm are you?

Thunderous Downburst Ring is the last ring I need for an ottuk (and my 300th) mount, and it flat out refuses to drop for me.

Did 2 randoms, and someone else got it both times - one of them needed the upgrade, the other promised to trade it and never did.

Am I supposed to solo the place till nosebleeding, hoping it drops after 50 tries? :frowning_with_open_mouth:

What is the name of this quest? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Iā€™ve done all of them Lore master and all, side quest, even that trice cursed Dragonā€™s day offā€¦
ā€¦but canā€™t remember a quest where you have to face three elite dragons togeteher

It made me frown today; that as a Guardian druid i dont get invited into mythic+ even if i already have done the keys in time and even 2 chest.
It makes me sad that prot warriors is a insta invited even tho they never did the key before.
Why does all key holders think they are a part of a MDI team and ā€œMetaā€ is the only way!
Its so frustrating!

e-sports ad in launcher.


:persevere: :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:

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I keep running out of likes.
Why does this restriction even exists ??
I can spam likes/dislikes all day in YouTube.
