😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Get one of the addons that shows you how much xp you get for just completion. VenturePlan and Covenant Mission Helper both show it.

I have, but other missions are so inefficient :frowning:

XP missions are up to 2500+1500, total of 4000. Might take as little as 4 hours, though usually 10.

Resource mission will be 1500 total, 12-14 hours.

And of course, they cost 50 anima to launch. I have about a 50/50 rate with the highest grade anima missions right now (net profit 60), and avoid doing the ones that would fail.

The lack of XP missions essentially doubles the cost AND time of levelling followers, and that sucks when you’re 10 levels below the missions on offer.

an entire weekend spent to time a SD+15… and still nothing.
I logout in frustration yesterday night and I’m still disappointed.
Whoever created that dungeon should receive a massive pay cut. My money it is the same group who developed Tol Dagor and Waycrest Manor… :rage:

Had to make a transmog choice from the vault today as there were no upgrades :frowning:

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Having only 3x 226 items, and the great vault offering me one of those slots.

Which makes 5 times the vault has failed to give me an upgrade.

Good job my guild has heroic CN on farm, those 220 cast offs are the only gear progression I have any chance of seeing!

Same, I took the conquest belt because I’m never going to stump up the points for it otherwise.

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Hiroki’s opinion of Gnomes.

Ok, what makes me frown every single day is : Vulpera is a playable race.

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You can hate all you want, I’ll just sit here and smile. XD

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Fortunately I quite like Sabaton, but I’m fairly sure we’re getting off topic. XD

The time it took for a win in PvP on my alt. + 7 hours. So i decided to quit PvP all together this season and hope they have a nice fix when 9.1 hits. If not, i think i quit all together.

Some random person raging and trying to votekick the healer multiple times. Healer was trying their best and probably learning to heal. In a normal difficulty SL dungeon. We finished the run just fine.

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I tought KSM mount could walk into the maw. I felt so dumb when I tried to mount it in the maw…

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me not getting kicked from my first DH tanking legion dungeons :smiley:

oh i thought it was the smile thread xD

Plan was to do 3vs3 today, but friend ditched me. Barely talked to him this week.

Not sure he gets that it’s not just about doing arenas, but about hanging out with them.

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I picked Ardenweald as my first coven and when i get there it is all fill the bar quests. :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :sleeping:

Got kicked from LFD because I didn’t let the tank blame the healer for wiping on a boss plus two trash packs at the same time…

Didn’t time a +13 on my alt by 4 seconds :confused: