šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Still havenā€™t dropped might I add.

Canā€™t believe this comment is from November 2020 :sob:

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M plus affixes this week

sees Bursting
sees Grievous

Alts or Classic it is for me.
Likely the latter.

And alsoā€¦

swaps spec to Shadow


You forgot to answer thisā€¦

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edit: problem fixed now :smile:

Doing Tuskaar quests and realising that there is no Allied Race announcement yetā€¦

I really, really want a Tuskaar hunter with a pet ottuk.


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They will not answer it as there is not one and its another one of there fibā€™s.

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Was doing a quest, thought the item was in a broken tower type of thing, jumped in, got stuck, HS on cooldown for another 15mins, go to support page to use the unstuck thing and what do I do next? I go back to the quest, fall into the same tower by accident and Iā€™m back to being stuck with HS on cooldown. I might have made some sad noises before I logged out to wait for my character to be moved again.

Suspected soā€¦ the only that remotely like what Niljo described is a world quest wit the 3 proto-dragon elders, but you have to face them one by one and some interrupts make those rares almost easy :thinking:

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Really? I managed to steal the thing without alerting two of them but had to stunlock and run from one.

Iā€¦ donā€™t thing we talk about the same WQ
The one Iā€™m talking about is next to the Dragonscale expedition HQ and the three named Proto-dragon elders (the quest calls the ā€œelder proto-dragonā€) are on the top/cliffside of three tall rockformations far away from each other

Something feels definitely wrong with the rested bonus my characters are getting.
Today I picked up my level 60 Goblin Rogue and he had like 4 rested XP bars.
I havenā€™t touched that guy since pre-patch when I was gearing him.
Another character was my 2nd BE Warrior. I leveled her after the pre-patch was over from 54/55 to 60 and even though I left her in Ogrimmar she didnā€™t accumulated enough rested XP, even though she was there for days.

Of course this can be just me, I will have to see in my other characters in time :roll_eyes:


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Being raged at (repeated vote kicked - failed) for skinning in a normal dungeon. Is there nothing that doesnā€™t trigger people.

Go go go is such a toxic concept it permeates through everything in the game. Slow the f down.

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With due all respect, you told/warned them or asked politely, would it be a problem if you would skin during the run?
It is common courtesy

All this negativity and bickering about politics and Hitler and religion on the forums is giving me a headache. A big headache.

Iā€™m taking a long break from this wretched place and focus on playing the game. I will visit the AD forums once In a blue moon to see any RP events tho.

Have a nice Holiday :heart:


I did say I was skinning (though I was doing the dungeon for a quest) . Tbh I was a second behind the tank (pala and Iā€™m a DH). Others rejected the vote kicks - the player just kept mumbling on in instance chat (ā€˜wastedā€™ more time than my skinning) and carried it on after the dungeon. Had to block and report them in the end for homophobia. Shame.

Isnā€™t the mantra on here if the group is ok with it, it cool. They rejected the vote kicks (3 times I think) so I take that as approval.


state of windwalker monk. are they healers or dps?

WW are dps
Mistweaver healer

you must be joking