😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

I’m sorry to hear that - there are nice people here too :wink:
But do what you need to.


of course there are nice people here who helped me understand the game better too.

its just gotten so negetive and political lately to the point where i got awful headaches. and i think it would be better to leave the forums, as many others did for the same reason.

i will be ingame so i hope to meet some of you :heart: thanks for being Kind Ananda. I love your posts


You can always mute threads that are annoying you, also make use of the ignore option. They really do make the forum experience much friendlier :smile:


The heirloom leather chest armour is a crop top. :face_with_monocle:

i feel you. lately the total forum mods absence is giving way to fanatics and trolls.

how? i wasnt able to find the way

easy , go down till you see tracking , click it and you find mute



no worrys, btw , if he stays treu to himself it only last untill the 5.

I farted while questing(ganking newbs in STV) and smelled my own fart.

If you scroll down to the end of the thread, there are a few buttons and under that row you can see ‘tracking’. Click on the arrow next to it and select ‘muted’.

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done. finally i dont have the pop up every post for threads i opened


Certain types of Dungeon People…
For some reason this expansion seems to be worse for people running normal dungeons like they are in a mythic+.
Its a constant rush mentality and god forbid that you dont know your way or are abit too slow coz KICK!
Using the wrong abilities?? KICK!

I dont know if heroic or mythic are as bad coz Im just in there for the odd quest and hopefully a dragon manuscript but sheesh…people are awful sometimes.

Missed opportunity indeed. Could’ve been a leather bikini :frowning:

its not only this expack probally, i quited dungeons long ago because this reason

Just treat it like a tantrumming toddler, the less attention the tantrum receives the sooner it will stop and the toddler will go back to playing with it’s toys nicely. That’s all they want at the end of the day, attention and you should never reward bad behaviour :wink:

The fact they are tantrumming because people started to ignore the biggest drama llama/harasser on the forums is just :roll_eyes: but children will be children and can’t be reasoned with when overly tired and emotional.

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im usually very bad at reading sarcasm/ hints so im not sure if this is hinted at myself since i decided to leave the forums.

Yes, i was a troll in the past. A big one. I regret it. But im no longer the same troll, ever since ive come back in October ive changed and you can tell by my posts since then.

i think one annoying aspect of myself that havent changed is that im obsesed with transmog and trasnmogs ideas. always will be.

I cringe too at my old posts. in any case if ive hurt anyone i apologize, i dont like to leave on a sour note.

if this message wasnt towards me then, this whole comment that i wrote is embarassing. :smile:

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never feel embarrassed when writhing/saying stuff you regretted in you’re past. Learn from it and move on being a better person ( or even tryng to be)
but i am sure that post was not about you


No it wasn’t about you!! Just a child intent on destroying threads because they didn’t get enough hugs from their mummy today :grin:

For you I still suggest making use of thread muting and ignore so you stay here and remain happy and fabulous!


if only Blizzard actually sees the EU forums and takes ideas from here. i feel like i make transmog thread ideas for nothing haha :smile:

i will probably come back 2023 and start using the mute suggestion. for now i wanna enjoy the holidays and gaming if i can. :partying_face:


I was farming nodes in DF isles today on my BE Rogue and I noticed she was about to hit level 62.

  • In Vanilla I would had celebrated and said " Finally ! I’m now 1 level stronger :partying_face:"

  • Presently I was like:
    “Great :rage: now the mobs are scaled to level 62, my gear is now less effective and I still miss 4 levels to be able to equip the next BoEs I got from the AH. These are going to be some very painful levels.”


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