šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

This weekā€™s affixes :pensive:

Think Iā€™ll just level another alt over the holidays. I canā€™t face healing pugs until reset.

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Putting Diurna at 5% multiple wipes in a rowā€¦

We coulda kill her !

Noticing Chromie does not have a option for BfA.

I was farming some nodes in DF zone, on my level 60, Goblin Rogue and after more than half an hour my Dell G5 15 :computer: starts spinning his fans so fast I thought it was going to take off.

Iā€™m starting to think buying this expansion was a mistake as itā€™s obvious that I should had stayed in past expansions areas :frowning_face:

This didnā€™t happened during BFA, when I purchased this :computer: 3 years ago.
For a 17 years old game WoW is really demanding :worried:


I had to buy 60 days gametime to post :c

My sub runs out at 6th of January.

A bitter sweet ending.

Iā€™m sure I will return if they release Cata Classic :stuck_out_tongue:

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But the engine is nothing like a 17 year old gameā€¦ DX12, Ray-tracing, AA,AF, Render Scale these are all things that have been added into the game. There is a lot of quiet (not top end) stuff going on in DF (as there was in SL) particles, shadows etc.

But yes, the game engine is a bit of a Frankensteinā€™s monster of parts added on over time and is not as optimized as it could be.


Have you explored digital bank cards? So you can sub to Wow 30 days

I remember a lot of people having issues. Visa Electron. Maestro cards. And some issues with Paypal in general
(GL! :vulcan_salute:)

the thing is i dont want a ā€œsubā€ just to be able to purchase 30 days at a time xD


forums should be free to use .

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today is the 2 year anniversary of my mums passingā€¦

i canā€™t help it but it puts a bit of a damper on the whole x-mas period for me.
especially since i am spending it alone this year.

she was really the only person on this planet which actually understood the type of person i am.

i will say spend sometime with your loved ones this year, as you never know when you canā€™t anymore.


Iā€™m sorry for your loss. If you need to spend it with some wow folks online I highly recommend a RP server as they love chatting and Roleplaying. I will happily log in and chat if you need me to as well.

Good advice. 2020 especially has been a crazy year. Half the elderly in our neighborhood was wiped out by Corona. I saw my neighborā€™s dad literally die outside his house before entering the car. What a crazy year.


I agree. I would gladly give up all my TL3 powers if they decided to actually moderate these forums like actual human beings and not bot monkeys.

TL3 for all.

haha, say ā€œbot monkeysā€ 12 times in a row :rofl:

i been alone for the past 2 years im pretty much used to it by now, not overly happy but still used to it.

i learned i am more than capable of just getting on with life alone with no help from others.

so i will continue to do just that until people actually appear in my life which want to be part of it :slight_smile:

iā€™m sure i wont be alone forever, i just need a lot more positivity in my life for my true character to show, as when i am positive and happy, people are drawn to me like moth to flame.

when im not happy, people just want me dead lol.

my brother who basically disowned me earlier this year and ran away up north is apparently talking about me to my dadā€¦ so that is a good sign that he is regretting his choicesā€¦

all my life problems of the past year, are slowly resolving themselves by themselvesā€¦ all i had to do was give space.


The named mob you need to kill for a Classic quest (which thankfully rewards a 10 sec liquid godmode item in return).

The guy has you swarmed with elementals that do all the job for him as seen hereā€¦

I was wondering how the hell my HP went down so fast from those little mobs.

Failing 6 times Nokhud in a row, noticing being to bad to heal the ancient storm at 14

Seeing the boy who cried wolf still posting despite announcing his ā€œlastā€ post hours agoā€¦ Suppose it was too good to be true :weary:


It be soundinā€™ him got ya good mon.


Bad things always happen to us good people


questionable Nagrashā€¦

you are not as bad as some people here though.

also read the posti said i will keep actively posting it if it keeps getting flagged.


i have no :poop: to give about this place and MOST of the people here anymore.