šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Hope you are OK Twiggz. To most of us our mums are the best friend we will ever have. I am taking your advice your so right not knowing wat tomorrow may bring.


things are Okayā€¦

i have people in my life, i just occasionally blackout and fail to see them when they are right in front of me.

i have a lot to be grateful forā€¦

i may not be happy right now and havent been for yearsā€¦ but things are starting to fall into place.

so much so that i no longer need this place.

honestly it only ever brought me hurt and hatred anyway so i am probably better off without itā€¦

i wish you the best too.

just keep strong and moving forward as long as you do that, things will fall into place no matter what life throws at you.


We are a social and animal and are better off with people around us. I need to realise that myself a lot of the time as well.

Forward. The only way. Stay strong.


i have big plans for 2023, my life will change completely.

i wish you a fantastic next year too lets get this world back in a good place for us :wink:


Yes. It is a chance to reset. I need to get back to training. That worked out as a next year problem now haha

Happy 2023 to you to


I honestly thought he was talking about me cause i announced my leaving 2 days ago. Also I did have some beef with him a year ago but I thought that was all behind us now.

Anyway, I donā€™t care much for forum drama itā€™s 2022 and Iā€™m having fun in wow Dragon isles :clinking_glasses:

Some of the quests are legit funny. Like when they asked me to sign my name, and I said ā€œI donā€™t read questsā€


nagrash is a person who never mentions who they talk about because they are afraid of forum rulesā€¦

they are a big scardiecat.

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I meant Twiggz :wink:


im surprised you still hold a beef against me honestly ā€¦

all because i told you to ignore me wasenā€™t it ?

i actually do not really dislike you personally.

My bad. I donā€™t remember him mentioning he was leaving.

But then I have spent the last 3 hours playing the game so I probably missed it.

Dragonflight is 1000% better than Shadowlands. I actually like logging in :rofl: the forums is a minor hobby now


yeah i am leaving :slight_smile:

iā€™ll go check when the sub is out and make it official.

I think our ā€œbeefā€ was just a slight misunderstanding anyway, all good now :grin:

Glad youā€™re enjoying it, having fun myself too.

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31st december

mark your calanders :slight_smile:

i will be banned tomorrow though so tech i will be leaving tomorrow ^^

Have fun in your future adventures and games. If you ever decide to return, Ill be online (I hope) in Dragonflight

Good luck, Merry Christmas, and Happy New year :hugs:


i donā€™t think i will return honestlyā€¦ my ā€œnewā€ life does not have the spare time to play mmorpgs anymore unfortunatelyā€¦ at least not for a considerable time in the future.

i got a lot of things i need to achieve in the next yearā€¦ and little time to sit at a computer.

merry xmas to you too and a happy new year.

last 2 years has been getting my health and life and finances in a good place for whats to comeā€¦ i have achieved thatā€¦

now its time for the next step.


This post made me legitimate :joy:

I always make sure to provide for my mother as I donā€™t know how much time I will have her with me.

I want to make sure she stays as long as possible. One of the best things, I remember from my childhood along with my sister :hugs:

Merry Christmas to everyone :christmas_tree:


I want to go and level up my characters.
But every time, itā€™s my BE Rogue and my Goblin Rogue who end up being logged and played. Iā€™m basically a farming bot now. Thereā€™s just too much gold to be made with raw materials, right now :frowning_face:

People will be done at some point leveling their craft and than the prices will go down. So I need to take this small window of opportunity while it lasts. Also buy as much leveling gear as I can, while people are still leveling and posting gear at low prices. But with 25 characters needing gear the task is daunting :weary:

Iā€™m so glad that LFR hasnā€™t come out yet.


The lag of community events :confused:

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i realized this yesterday as well. i wanted to come here and write my feelings but decided not to.

realized some of the forum community i was with, shared IRL personal photos with, and personal stories with ended up being completely opposite to what i thought. im glad the majority arent like this, but sad for the ones who still pick up forum drama and racism.

I already have trust issues as it is making friends online.

anyway, not writing this for sympathy or anything. Just wanted to vent.


im really sorry about that anizah.

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