😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Well it’s yesterday but still…

After three or four HoL mob dailies in a row, we finally get a different daily dung quest…

…only to get a daily HoL BOSS quest.

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It does happen, we all make mistakes in who we trust… online friendships are like that unfortunately, as you don’t see the other person eye to eye.

I still prefer them over irl connections mostly, but mainly because these are still much easier to make and maintain for me.

Btw, Souly sends his regards to you, and that you’re a good spud :smile:


Sorry to hear that Ani
Hope everything is alright

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2 mains nefed in 2 weeks stop nefing the classes i maining …

im maining a destro and a BM… imagine…

It’s ups and downs today. But doing good. Thanks for asking :heart:

I’m hopefully planning on trying a mage this expansion cause I got tired of my hunter. A little change is nice.


i had a level 58 bm hunter i ran around around dragon isle doing like 120k+ dps i played like 26 hrs and it got nerfed imagon killing level 70 elites with 500K as a bm level 58 :rofl:
had a ilvl on 190

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People who put Blingtrons on the top of the quest giver during the Feast
Or Keg to make everyone drunk
Or Anima blob
Also who park their Yak or Brutosaur mount on top of it
Some trully deserve a special place… in HELL!!!
:rage: :rage: :rage:

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Those all sound like terrible things I’ll definitely have to make sure not to do

they already nerfed the new xmas toy can’t knockback afk players nomore :frowning:
but the swampblaster still works in dungons :stuck_out_tongue:

Did a Nokhud +2 which was almost overtime.

Here, the tank was quite the elite in words… but not in combat so to say, I rarely see tank deaths but this one died every 3rd or 4th pull, and had the nerve to blame our druid for their low dps (on average, barely above mine).

Yes, he is right, the druid was in fact undergeared, but he did try his best to stay alive. He’d stop multiple times to try and heal himself when I had a lot of work to do (and I had, as we wiped on both 1st and 2nd boss - overall, I was spamhealing 70% of this dungeon).

So our tankyfren forgets that a weak dps is a liability mostly (for lower keys anyways), but a squishy tank is a literal headache. :rofl:


Nokhud have this effect on the Tanks it seems :thinking:
+2, like yours and the Tank tried to herd the mobs between the ballistas… almost all of them, train-pulling
Needless to say, after the third atempt, the team disbanded, but it was painfull to watch from the relative safe distance of a ranged that blooming insanity that would made a Shadow Priest proud

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Gral’s Reverence and Gral’s Veneration recipes :unamused:
The only two I miss
Of course, these have to be from the Feast weekly with abysmall drops chance (5-6%?)
Hunting these is worse than the Delicious Chocolate Cake recipe hunt in shatraa daily :unamused:

This char just dinged level 62. :worried:

His ilvl is 256 and is not supposed to go to Dragon Isles yet. The Winter Veil event quests gives too much experience for him.

Having to do the community feast for the weekly, and it didn’t give credit last night.

Also annoyed with the crafting system. Just want to ignore the whole thing.

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Dragon Racing.
Now Ive realiesed how much good stuffz is locked behind it Im trying to get the gold and silver times…with an old and defective mouse that doesnt click half the time!
Pretty sure I could get gold on all of them if I actually ‘zoomed’ and ‘whooshed’ when I clicked on them.

Time to go shopping I suppose.

Solo shuffle still allowing leavers to nullify contests… Tried R-SS for the first time during DF… 5 matches only one allowed to finish… Needs to be fixed or the mode is dead.

was automatically closed 1 day ago.


yesterday the tank manaced to kick me while running a m0. And HE WAS RIGHT. i was tryin to play demo not having a clue about it.

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the scaling issues.

the strangelthorn mobs are nuking me to death. one hit from the goblins causes my health to drop 20% or 30%.

i choose cataclysm as my leveling experience from 50-60 as i love the zones and dungeons, but my God i am strugggling. especially as a level 54 arcane mage.

i saw a level 30-something paladin fighting off multiple mobs, but im struggling with just one
