😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)


Blizzard forgot to add Dracthyr to the AH dance party rotation so can’t get the buff on them :frowning_face:

7 day health buff would have been nice for finishing levelling /sigh

Oooh is it a dance party? How long?

I’ll make sure to visit briefly when getting home.

The WoW Forums have been making me frown the last week

The AH Dance Party beat shouldn’t be overridden by Fae Harp, or any other toys. :expressionless:

Comp stop has even better gear progresion then M+

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til yesterday i had 650 magmote. now im have just 34… i had to open a ticket.

The way these forums have morphed into the toilet from Trainspotting over the festive period.


I decided to do an AA +8 for my weekly.

Let’s just say, it wasn’t my wisest decision. Apart from the memetree killing us twice and having an almost-wipe on the bird, it was an overtime as well. Also, I couldn’t even make use of my hymn CD, as I can’t stand still for 5 secs, let alone 8…

The place needs to be hit with a huge nerfbat, like a flat 50%.


yeah, but you didnt realise that AA=Alcoholics Anonymous lol

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I do not understand why we had to have ranks on professions and materials. This has basicallly killed my ability to be self sufficient. It’s taken the very worst aspect of Legendary crafting and made it the baseline way for all professions.

Am really unimpressed.


The difference in difficulty between dungeons.

It’s making me not even want to play the game when one dungeon is basically faceroll and then another requires you to be sweating the whole dungeon or you wipe.

Like, seriously. There shouldn’t be faceroll and constant sweating dungeons.

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I didn’t really have the time to put into WoW this week so I missed the weekly events.

Guild comitted to only one more raid reset. Sadge

Still missing Gral’s Reverence and Gral’s Veneration recipes :unamused:
On the bright side, I farmed a tons of tusskar reputation in the faint hope, a kitchen duty will drops it, aiming that abysmall % of rng during the Feast

These two - like many others - are Binds when picked up
Only the Draconic recipes in a bottle recipes are sellable - and even those are not above 30K, but the lunker teams gives you enough coins to buy the bags with bottles in it for a random recipe
This was a low quality trolling even from you

Isn’t the fact there are things you can’t buy from the AH for gold basically means P2W not even exist in WoW? - or you know, you can’t buy progress, gear or anything from Blizzard itself?
Not that you can “Win” WoW anyway; gain a momentary and quite fleeting advantage at best - but even that wont gives you skill

I got that one first time on my dracthyr… Think I got it first or second time on my belfy lock too…

i am batman my only superpower is beeing ritch …

I got Gral’s Devotion from the weekly at week first… since then? Nothong
Gral’s Reverence and Gral’s Veneration have a sad little ~5% droprate from the weekly Feats quest
Aside that a pathetic 0.1% from every kitchen duty you do during the event
It is Delicious Chocolate Cake recipe all over again