šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)


No one would miss it (aside from the usual complainers and a few goblins) if Blizzard announced today theyā€™d made a mistake and removed all the reagent tiers. Like a lot of things the idea of different quality reagents it not a terrible one but in practice it is horrible for the player.

It is just not needed and is not fun.


Iā€™ve given up with it. I have to buy everything instead. I canā€™t do it for myself unless I invest in a load of tokens to sink gold into my profession to get it up.

The fact that ignore on forums is not account wide, if the 5 people i have on ignore counted all there charā€™s for me this forum would be so nice and quiet.


World Boss Drop rates, 4 characters, killed since the bosses appearedā€¦ not one piece of loot, not oneā€¦ feels horrible.


Sharding during the community feast
The shard hoping not only cencels your order, sometimes miss the whole end boss
Shard hopped 6 times this morning :unamused:


The crafting order system, servercluster is low pop, canā€™t complete my quests/progress/get cosmetics, I just pretend the thing doesnt exist, but every now and then i am reminded that itā€™s there, and no one is using it.

Friendslist empty.
Canā€™t sign up for random dungeons at all.
LFR sign-up broke. Managed to do only one toon before it did.

Didnā€™t make it out of Valdrakken before I lost the desire to play.

Automatching off. Complaining mood on.

being told to kms among other profanities for winning a lfr role that was an upgrade lol

No DK tier from raid, again.

When you go to the armory and notice a recently made level 10 character with your exact name.

Itā€™s frustrating to keep up with the recent forum trolling, but when it leads to identity theft that crosses the line.

I am so done with this nonsense


Iā€¦ We would miss you
We know who, wich one the real Anizah is
No sad and pathetic liar jester could take away that
They could copy the name, but never the style nor the personality behind it, and everyone would see thrugh them if they would try to impersonate you
They know this thats why these bottomfeeders lurk in the shadows
They are just echoes of a sick mind in an empty dark room
Not worth your time nor your concern
Just echoes whispers in the fog, blown away by even a gentle breeze


I just wish I know who it is and why he is doing this :thinking:

Iā€™m sure there is a way to track down his alts/ main but Iā€™m no computer wiz


He has a curly orange wig, big red nose, oversized shoes and used to work at McDonaldā€™s but is now unemployed because people stopped being impressed by him and his food never tasted that great :wink:


Best to just ignore it. Not your fault people started disliking his bff for being a drama magnet. Heā€™ll move on eventually.


Cheap copies, whoever made them.

We know who the real Anizah is, and also know she looks prettier than all of them.


DPS that start doing damage as soon as the slimes spawn in first boss Azure Vaults.
How can be so hard to not damage them for two seconds? I get can have aggro because of their own heals aggro but DPS that run around like headless chickens in a 18 itā€™s unbelievable.

Its a clown and do not leave because of that child.


It is borderline naming/shaming
Even the Truth wonā€™t worth in this case a banā€¦ send a PM to Ani with your oppinion - and edit your post


Have changed it thank you :slight_smile: <3