😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Blackrock Mortar hitting me for just over three times my entire maximum health in damage.

there is noting to do in wow

My ERA realm taken over by solo players making a strong impact on the chance that the realm will ever be multiplayer again.

so wow is a ORPG not MMORPG :stuck_out_tongue:

I rolled 99 on a tier piece last night and still lost.

Sad dragon

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I hope you reported them

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when is pandarian getting heritage armors when orc and humans is about to get it aswell :frowning:
and hopefully it is like last samurai armor blue ver for alliance and red for horde …

Renown vendors being picky about the ore tier they want for their wares… No hero I don’t want your tier 3 Draconium Ore give me two instead or no deal!

dragonflight will end up beeing a other void xpac again …

Yes, how dare you provide superior ore!


Draenei are still waiting too.

Even after a few days away the forum is still like a depressing version of Camelot.


I have to agree, peruse a number of posts and they start off ok and deteriorate into some slag off fest - must be January blues :flushed:

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I noticed the 5 crafting skill points from Darkmoon quests have been nerfed to 2. It doesn’t feel worthwhile doing anymore. On the plus side I guess that’s one less monthly chore.

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They have changed it to give specialisation points, not skill, since the spec points are what ppl struggle to get in dragonflight. And it’s +3 spec points.

This mount dropped, but I lost the roll. :c

so why is all so cranky today ?

…another week, another Broodkeeper kill without a Dracthyr staff (or weekly event chest luck to have one in it) :sob:
Would be nice to have the Dinar system back :roll_eyes:

A bit sad/lonely moment: Made a Leeroy Jenkins reference during a TW run earlier today, and nobody in the group had heard of Leeroy.

Le sigh


does anyone know who Nova is even ? :rofl: