😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

I know, but it requires me to have the mats and I already used them to level my enchanting. So my weekend of LFR and maybe trying m0 with guild is now grinding normal and then hc dungeons alone. So I’ll most likely go buy Xcom since it is on sale and play that instead :smiley:


getting to heroic dungeon level requirement isn’t that hard
if you have a spark you can get a trinket crafted for your tank :slight_smile:

There are some decent alchemy trinkets you can get crafted through work ordes (you don’t have to be an alchemist to wear them)

What a headache :weary:

I just found out in Icy-veins that you can put armour kits on agility/strength characters. I had already purchased spell threads for my 4 cloth classes but, I didn’t even though there was an equivalent for agility/strength classes.

After my calculations, I had to purchase 19 armour kits, for the price of 47-48 gold each.
I also remembered to buy 2 spell threads for my Shaman and Druid.

The worst part was having to logg in every single one of them and apply it.

I didn’t even started yet.
I still have to go through almost all of them and update their enchants and ring/gem. 2 characters are still in level 60 and need to be leveled up to 61 in order to equip what they already have.



i saw that on my realm no one is selling “Illusion - Priamal Mastery” but on AD, they are selling it at 55k, but i’m broke there :cry:


Got a wowhead notification about top hats and monocles becoming transmoggable and it reminded that Blizz still hasn’t made eyewear separate from head gear so you can’t wear a top hat and a monocle together, and then I remembered the hat hair issue is still a thing so even if you decide to go with a top hat you will become bald…


WoW game engine limitations, probably :face_with_monocle:

It’s ironical that since this game launched, I never took engineer as a profession at higher levels. Now I have it in every single of my characters because the Googles are just too good to be passed at level 61 :nerd_face:

Edit: this character has them as well, the armory hasn’t updated yet.


… was I the only one that didn’t realise I should be enchanting my tools! :thinking:

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I think most of us wait till the enchants prices become 4 digit insted of 5 :roll_eyes:

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That is actually a good point :+1:

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Waiting for 2 digit, maybe 3…

Even the cheapest weapon ench goes for 3k :frowning_with_open_mouth: literal robbery…

Played arena a bit in attempt to get back into PVP (I was over 2000 last time I played in 2s)

Entered arena vs 2mark hunters, got instantly killed with defensive stance active, and enrage regeneration on.

I think its time to stop trying pvp at least for few seasons.

I’m stuck at 55 Inscription on an alt and I read it’s impossible to get from 65-100 solo and you have to rely on crafting orders. What? Yet another messy can of worms. Given up.

that happened the same way from my worgen warlock

Solo Shuffle is really hard has a healer :frowning:

Something you can easly do with your alts sending crafting orders to your main (or to each other to level their respective profession) or have a web of friends or a Guild
WoW is not a solo game, but even in solo mode - if you prefer that - you CAN level your profession alone, sustaining yourself with harvester alts (who, conviniently could “farm” sparks too, I mean whats the limit now, 4 I think, you don’t even have to have real gear just a lvl 70 - wise to have a few anyway to farm gold with the dragon race WQ . 500+ gold/race - just do the sparks)
The only thing really prevents progression is the lack of Artisan’s mentle

There is a slight chance the wedding dress won’t be transmoggable as it wasn’t on the list of transmogabble white items on wowhead.

That was probably the thing I was most looking forward to with the transmog change.

I guess we will wait and see :frowning_face:


Poor Ani
Always a bridesmaid, never the bride


:rofl: you did not use that quote on me bahahaha

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And I only get to be the priestess to make the union official :frowning_with_open_mouth:

Still waiting for my ring!



yesterday with this toon ive lost 10 elite battlegrounds in a row. I run one with my ele horde and we won the 1st.

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