😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Storms Fury event… 3 times phased out of it, twice on the boss and then chest event spawned and quest what… that vanished too… Please it has been over a week now… It should be fixed.

That depends how often they cycle the items really, if things return 3-6 months I am cool with that.


yes. this is the thing that annoy me more. and the amount of rewards they put in.

I’d be happy if as a regular player it becomes useless after 6-8 months as we have ‘everything’ (we want) and the other time is for people who miss a month or don’t collect enough tokens because they don’t fill the bar.

I know that will upset some but why can’t we be ‘done’. It can then reset on year 2 and repeat.


Ran Zul’Gurub for two weeks still no mount drop.

Priests in PvP – I don’t do much and am not great at it but done the weekly BGs. Met 3 different Priests who were simply unkillable.

Their HP hardly moved and if it did they healed it to max in less than a second.

Are they ‘good’ right now or did I just meet three well geared, good players?

wondering if im the most ignored poster on this forums…

sad really i genuinely try to approach things fairly… but most people take it to insults then dont like what i got to say about them in return.


wont lose any sleep over it… but seriously if you want a constructibe conversation maybe dont start with disrespect about me ?

not really a hard concept to master.

Combat res and bloodlust should be made available to everyone.

It’s just stupid trying to play in a group that doesn’t have a combat res, no bloodlust is annoying.


On my 2nd migraine of the week so on my phone in dark mode. Can’t sleep anymore.

Usually only get them twice a year… used to get them loads when younger.


I feel for you! I get them daily for weeks on end then they stop for a bit so now I have to take an epilepsy drug to control them.

Go to the GPs if you keep getting them x

Also take some liquid paracetamol as soon as it starts, that works quicker then tablets.


I was given some meds by the hospital ages ago but they gave me the depersonalisation side effect and it freaked me out.

I stayed awake til 6am finishing my travelers Log for the mount, and once it was done I’m still waiting for my mount over 9 hours later >> No ticket answer, and the log outs and in didn’t help. I feel like deleting all my toons and forgetting I ever played this game . :anguished:

You… do know it is not automatically lands in your bag, but you have to collect it from the Trading post chest? :eyes:
At least I had to


The mount’s in the chest btw, it’s Kentarro beat me to it. Check that chest, yeah, if you haven’t.


must suck , never hand a migraine personally, how are they different from a headache?

also never had a nose bleed before.

and only ever thrown up a hand full of times in my life weirdly.

at least 3 of those times from hangovers.

never passed out, fainted or been knocked out from collision either

did give myself concussion once though.

will say the shock from breaking my finger when that set in (because i severed the nerves) was rough, took a lot for me to regulate my pulse again.

which is something i learned how to do through meditation and running

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The prot paladins in my SS match ruined my day.

Please, make them not take up healer slots, dont make me frown more.

Feels like your brain is being drilled. Sometimes losing vision and cant feel one hand/arm.

I have been hitting the vr workouts hard this week so suspect it’s that.

I broke my arm badly age 5 from falling down 2 steps in my grandparents farm. Had it tied with socks for 2 weeks because I didn’t complain.

Broke my wrist because my son ran off with a glass mixing bowl when he was little, he put it down on the floor to stop me catching up to him…yeah I flew that day lol

Final time I came off a horse, broke all ribs on my right side and was knocked out. Hoping I’m done with broken bones haha


yes I know, I also have 27 alts Ive checked it numerous times and nothing still just got 300 coins and thats it the mount bar keeps filling all the way up and saying im done and collected the rewards for this month.

sounds painful hope you recover soon :).

you got me beat on broken bones just my finger and wrist when i was 12 for me.

my brother and me were out inline skating, in a doctors carpark, on a sunday when they were closed.

he dared me to go backwards as fast as i could, my wheel met a pebble and snap went my wrist, my arm was a literal right angle apparently,i dont remeber it because of shock and adrenaline, was a open fracture with the bone sticking out of my arm still have a nice scar now from it.


not the most in focus and the scar has faded a lot over the years :stuck_out_tongue:

one thing i remeber was the same day i broke my wrist i walked under a ladder.

ironically 1 week ago i walked under a ladder, and now i broke my finger.

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Ouch that must have hurt!

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