😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

dont remember much pain, i think the shock stopped that.

i actually got up and skated to a nearby housing estate with my arm hanging to get myself help at a nearby school, which luckily was open at the time with a teacher in the carpark.

i still keep in contact with that teacher now… if they were not there at that time i could of bled out, they pretty much saved my life that day.

they are the ones which got me to hospital.

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I don’t understand what is happening in PvP (which /I don;'t do much – just cap Conquest each week - unranked/brawl)

Again today with my almost completely geared 421/424 DH in (e)bgs I am unleashing everything I have on Priests, Resto Shammys and a few others and their HP does not move - not a bit (details show me doing decent damage but they appear immune to me… ) Is this what PvP is currently like or am I doing something really, really wrong?

I was dumb enough to think I would be able to get myself a nice, high-end, crafted weapon, something I would have no earthly chance of getting unless I geared up to do mythic raiding.

Then I realised that to upgrade the base weapon requires ‘Concentrated Primal Infusion’, which is a BOP drop from - you guessed it - mythic raiding!

Horde in PvP (ebgs) 12 games today (need 4th win for weekly and cap) … Lost each and every time… starting to think it is me… You get good/bad groups but today we have been smashed each and every time.

Maybe tomorrow – at least the queues are very fast.

That nag ‘you have unspent Profession Specialization Knowledge’ does my head in. There’s a specific reason why I haven’t spent it yet and YOU should know why - you designed this gated garbage system.

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That I can’t for the life of me seem to loot Bottled Essence…

Run Vault on several alts
Seen one drop
Seen, not recieved, but at least seen it to know it is exist

That is something I’ve not seen one yet, they are rare the issue is we only hear/read about the really lucky edge-cases on places like this so it screws our perception of the drop rate.

Blizzard said ‘Legion Leggo’ like drop rates so I’d expect one every 10-14 days of moderate playing.

The designer of the dragon flyer daily quest has put a big old tree right on front of the last hoop so it’s really difficult to see and has totally ruined what would have been a cool quest. This particular quest designer has done that on purpose. Move this guy to the mythic + department if he likes to torture people so.

clown tanks who masspull AV entrance trash in pugs to wipe the group twice and leave the key :clown_face:

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You can play m16 keys.

Professions are so complicated now, I would rather buy things off the AH like before.

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You know something, I did feel like that but have grown to like them… I do however just play with my on alts creating a bunch of DHs with leather-working specializing at their own little thing. I’ve not had to deal with the player base etc. (and won’t be)

Great thing is they don’t need to be 70… most a slowly leveling up doing the profession weekly’s and a bit of gathering/skinning.

my day in a nutshell

i went to do storm fury in the morning
last boss bugs mid fight and despawns

joined academy 18
bird boss bugs out and never comes

went for lunch then came back in the afternoon to try storm fury again
last boss bugs and despawns mid fight again


sounds rough, but i bet you’ll log in and try again later :slight_smile:

I wish all BfA raid bosses were mechanically soloable now. :frowning:

MC, movement penalties and Akunda. x_x

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When other people mess up as i’m trying to overgear my way to the keystone mount, i’m like “whatever” including 0 interrupts and stuff. But as soon as I do so myself I feel so embarrased. Went up the first stairs in court of stars, cleared first pack, pretty tight with spot and I backed into 2 big adds while running away from shades :frowning: .

The way how Violet Hold works (at least in Classic) when you wipe.

Xevozz killed us off being the 2nd boss fight and we had to begin all over again, having to rekill the 1st boss (without drops might I add, neither badges nor items), as well as the 10 trash waves.

Couldn’t it be changed so we don’t need to do this…? Get to fight the boss again as in all the other 1000 fights WoW features? :frowning_with_open_mouth:

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Timed waves is the worst dungeon mechanic the devs ever made. This is why the Black Morass, Culling of Stratholme (although to a lesser extent) and both Violet Holds are so hated. Even soloing Hyjal Summit is a dreaded task.


all of the above used to pop up way to often on dungeon roulette too was like they purposely upped the likely hood of getting one of those dungeons just to slow you down leveling.

(before chromie time i mean)