😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Not an annoyance (well it is) but more surprise… Alliance ‘owning’ the Super Rares this week, I’ve gone to most of them when playing and killed one (in my shard - I have joined groups with success)

IDK what the stats show but it does feel like the faction ratio is balancing out (at least in my little world)

No you’re right, when you grow up you hang around a game forum all day instead like you. A game you don’t even play


30 min and still waiting for the world boss to spawn. Been jumping groups and find find one that are waiting for enough people when someone decide to pull and reset and he doesn’t respawn…
And this talking head isn’t making things any better…

Never experienced that with the world boss, ever. Group finder pick group (hope it’s almost dead) tag and get gold (world bosses don’t have loot).

Is something up this morning with group finder (again) or is this how alliance lives?

I do think they are pretty weak defensively.

I think stances could work well for the class.

  1. Obsidian gives you tons of armor/dmg reduction and makes all damage dealt as a dot on you but slows you down by 30 % (movement and haste).
  2. Emerald gives you a strong constant Heal over Time that heals other people when you are at top health but makes your global cooldown when offensive 0.5 longer.
  3. Azure gives you a 30 % damage boost, but your healing is 15 % worse.
  4. Bronze gives you a 20 % haste and movement speed, but makes you take 10 % more damage.
  5. Ruby makes all your damage spells heal a nearby friendly, and healing spells damage a nearby enemy.

Something like that.

I again had problems when gathering from a node. If a mob aggroes when you’re herbing or mining, that mob is “invalid target” and you better run if you want to live.

Off topic but it looks like you have a very bushy beard in your avatar.

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She would put any Dwarf to shame, thats for sure
Avatars are weird nowdays


Yes, I am actually two people. A dwarf standing on top of another. ;_;

There, I am coming out as duovidual. :fist: :pensive:

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It’s hard sometimes to see people on the support forums complaining about self inflicted loss of progress (unintentional as it might be).

It’s not easy being the bearer of bad news to a stranger that restoring deleted characters is not guaranteed after years long breaks and that it’s not meant to store your characters. Or that if they lost access to their account and created it with a fake name then they were violating the EULA from the very start and Blizzard won’t retrive their account.


Having so many characters to look after means something will always be missed.
That’s why I always check where my HS is bind to before teleporting.

I didn’t do it in my Orc Warlock, now instead of being back at the Wingrest Embassy, I’m back in Ogrimmar.

Time to pick the Zeppelin to the Dragon Isles and walk back :rage:



Portal room to use the protal to Valdrakken or ask a mage for a portal? :eyes:

Can you do that, if you haven’t reached Valdrakken yet :astonished: ?

All of my characters doing the quests near the Wingrest Embassy atm.


I am sympathetic to start with but having explained in words of one syllable several times, my sympathy begins to disappear. Same as telling someone to delete their interface folder and them arguing they’ve deleted their cache and wtf over and over again. That one wasn’t me … sadly it’s not really the done thing to do gifs in CS but the head desk one would be very useful :slight_smile: Both Hugh Grant and Martin Sheen.

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I’m :astonished: . To the fact, that someone actually has to explain that to another person.

Humans never cease to amaze me :unamused:

When the feature of restoring characters came, I had so much fun, restoring characters, I was sure, I wanted to delete them, that I ended up playing them again.
That’s why I have now 25 characters :stuck_out_tongue:


Snuck my evoker alt into an end-of-week heroic raid clear (last 4 bosses that we didn’t do with mains for the tier pieces).

Broke 100k HPS for the first time on any character on any boss, with a small group, 6 less ilvls than main, and idk-what talents taken off Icy Veins before 10.0.5 dropped.

TLDR I regret not rerolling on launch. I’m like a B-tier player and people like me should not be playing classes that need S-tier skills to make them shine.

My chars gets too much XP from doing the holiday events. :grimacing:

Skadefryden - being ilvl 256, just dinged level 65 and have yet to set foot on the Dragon Isle. Really wish XP could be locked at higher levels.

I’m really not a Druid player.
Shape shifting is not for me.
Today I was on my Druid playing Balance spec and when it was time to move on, I mounted instead of shape shifting to trave form.


I didn’t even knew you could mount in Moonkin form.
Imagine a huge chicken mounted on top of a Kodo mount.



Well the whole expansion is so boring really blizzard. DF is slightly better than Shadow Lands but then again the non stop bugs in the game from the first day . I know people will say then dont play but that’s just my opinion for the amount of money we pay for the subscription you would expect something better and please dont take this personally :stuck_out_tongue:

Another bugged climbing quest